Facebook Representatives Held the Meeting with KhPI Students

NTU “KhPI” held the meeting with the representatives of the Facebook Company and the students and teachers of the university. About two hundred people that gathered in the auditorium of the main building of the university were given the in-depth information on the company social network structure. Facebook programming engineers described the main points of their work-starting from the technologies and missions through to the employment and they presented also their corporate logos.

Representatives of the company noted that Facebook is more than just a web site, it’s a complex dynamic application used by more than 2 billion people worldwide and the main mission of the Company is to Bring the World Closer Together.

The presentation was in English and it highlighted the following issues:

  • company technologies (software/ hardware);
  • social sphere (mission, company statistics, opportunities and specific features of the Facebook team work);
  • communication map for the 10-year period;
  • system lifecycle;
  • steps in the job interview process for the company.

Thanks Ostap Korkuna, Taras Zubyk, Andrii Chernukha, Carmen Wan for all the secrets of Facebook, and thank the organizers of the meeting – the Department of Computer Mathematics and Data Analysis.


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