
All students who are training across the EQL “master” are involved in participation in scientifically – research work on chair. Results of scientific work of students are published in professional editions and listen with delight at scientific and technical conferences. For the last three years 2 diplomas of the winner of All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works in instrument making are gained.

Main directions of scientific researches of chair are:

– Mathematical modeling of non-stationary processes in cryogenic gas cars (senior teacher S.V.Yushko);

– Synthesis, structure and properties of biocompatible layer systems (prof. Starikov Vadym V.);

– Mathematical modeling of processes of cooling and thermostatting of objects with use in a national economy (senior teacher S.V.Yushko);

– Creation highly effective thermal protection of cryobiology vessels (prof. G.G. Zhun);

– Studying of the physical nature of fluctuation processes in small-sized magnetics in very small magnetic fields and low temperatures (prof. L.Z. Lubyany);

– Liquefaction of gases and gas mixes production (senior teacher N.Z. Rudenko);

– Heat pumps (senior teacher N.Z. Rudenko, senior teacher S.V.Yushko);

– Ventilation and air conditioning (senior teacher S.V.Yushko);

– Oil temperature control systems for rolling mills with enduring Peltier elements (prof. Starikov Vadym V.)