The master class by Dmytro Paziy

The master class by Dmytro Paziy was successfully held! 
We are pleased to announce that within the framework of the “Marketing Internship at NTU KhPI” and “School of Marketing for Applicants at NTU KhPI” projects, graduates of the Department of Marketing at NTU “KhPI” and our future applicants took part in an interesting and useful master class by our graduate student Dmytro Paziya, who is a Business Development Manager at Jelvix.
Topic of the meeting: “Intercultural communication in the process of discussing with the client business goals and further negotiations” 
Dmytro Paziy’s master class was especially useful for applicants planning their future in the field of marketing. Thanks to this meeting, they received:
Understanding of real business processes – applicants learned how communication with clients from different cultures affects the achievement of business goals and negotiations.
Practical advice for the future career – the master class provided valuable insights on adapting business strategies in an international context, which is important for working in global markets.
Familiarity with career prospects – participants saw how knowledge of intercultural communication helps to build a successful career in the field of marketing and business development.
An opportunity for inspiration and motivation – the master class gave applicants a real idea of ​​the prospects of working in a large company and added confidence in choosing a future profession.
The meeting took place in an interactive atmosphere, where everyone was able to ask questions and receive detailed answers from an experienced speaker. This experience will undoubtedly help the aspirants to be better prepared to work in a global business environment.
We sincerely thank Dmytro Paziy for his contribution to the development of our acquirers!

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