Department of “Metal science and heat treatment of metals” (from 2007 – “Materials science”) was established in 1932 and was headed by Dr. Sc., prof. A. Tereshchenko. The department is one of the oldest in Polytechnic Institute of training engineers-technologists-researchers.
His research since its inception Department contributed to the development and improvement of technology and thermal chemical and heat treatment on parts enterprises of Kharkov – the leader engineering in the Soviet Union. In the postwar years, the department was headed Ph.D., doc. V.V. Havranek. Later – Ph.D., doc. I.O. Tananko, Dr.f.-m.s, prof. O.I. Ilinsky, Dr.f.-m.s, prof. O.V. Sobol and the next time – Dr.t.s, prof. V.V. Subbotina.
V.V. Havranek headed the department of “Metal science and heat treatment of metals” from 1945 to 1972 y. At this time, the Department made a number of important for the national economy of scientific research. Among the the most important scientific achievements of the department under the direction of V.V. Havraneka include the study of the processes of cavitation blades turbines. He prepared five PhDs.
Since the early 1960s, the department “Metal science and heat treatment of metals” successfully working with the Department of Physics of metals and semiconductors, where L.S. Palatnikom was a scientific school on the physics of thin films and film materials science. Close interaction in the formation areas research and practice in the field of materials science practical was the basis for management of the department “Metal science and heat treatment of metals” 1972-present former graduate L.S. Palatnik. Head of the “Physical metallurgy and heat treatment of metals” (since 2007 – the “Materials Science”) during these years were: 1972 and 1986 – Ph.D., doc. I.O. Tananko, from 1986 to 2010 – Dr.f.-m.s., prof. AI Iliinskyi, from January 2010 to 2021 – Dr.f.-m.s., prof. O.V. Sobol, and from present – Dr.t.s, prof. V.V. Subbotina.
I.A. Tananko rate continued its predecessors (prof. A. Tereshchenko, PhD. V. Havranek) to strengthen ties with leading enterprises of Ukraine in solving problems of heat and chemical and thermal processing engineering products. Among the most important results achieved under the leadership of AI noteworthy development technology of surface hardening of turbine blades by treatment with high frequency (UHF) and laser technology to strengthen the cylinders and crankshafts for internal combustion engines. Launched V. Havranekom promising work on microwave processing metals was performed under the direction of A. Tananko group of researchers consisting VF Cuckoo, YI Shumakova, MA Pogribnyi, Z. Bogatyreva.
The technology of laser strengthening cylinder engines and crankshafts internal combustion engines for the NGO “Plant. Malyshev, “was performed IO Tananko compatible with AA Levchenko and other employees of the department.
Scientific research work in these years was directed to perform by public procurement of specific applied problems for businesses and scientific institutions of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR. The most important of these were the achievements related to the development and introduction of new technologies, which significantly increased the functional properties of the products. This is primarily a study of microwave heat treatment of gears (I.A. Tananko, Yu.I. Shumakov, Z. Bogatyryova T. Protasenko ) – introduced at the Kharkov plant -propelled chassis , research microwave thermal processing turbine blades ( YI Shumakov , VF Cuckoo, MA Pogrebnoy ) – introduced at the Kharkov factory Turbo atom ; study of the effect on the performance of the instrument metizna process boruvannya ( OO Pavlyuchenko , VN Brewers , JS Bobukh ) – introduced at the Kharkov plant and tool Kharkov Tractor Factory engines, study of protective wear-resistant vacuum- plasma coatings ( MS Borushko , VM Matsevityy , VM Beresnev ) – introduced at defense enterprises . At the same time, MS Borushko created the first in higher education SSR vacuum- plasma laboratory.
I.A. Tananko prepared 8 candidates, including V.M. Pivovarov, N.A. Pogrebnoy, (in 1981 under the guidance of I.O. Tananko defended his thesis on ” Studies of structure formation and properties vyskohromystyh began surfacing in renewable heavy duty machine parts and establish effective methods following heat treatment “) and GA Mahatilova (in 1986, under the scientific leadership I.O. Tananko defended his thesis on “Study of the structural heterogeneity and concentration of martensite after quenching and low-temperature temperin to optimize processes reinforcing steel processing “).
Among the most important scientific achievements of the department staff under supervision of Professor A.I. Ilyinsky is to develop physical foundations of a new class of nanocomposites in the form of foils and coatings with layered and particulate-reinforced structure. These composites in its physical and mechanical properties far superior to known contemporary materials. The group includes researchers doc. A. Zubkov, A.S. Terletsky, S.I. Lyabuk, M.P. Sapelkin, Sen. Res. A.A. Podtelezhnikov and M.V. Burlakova. More details about the formation of this group can be see here.
Implemented in 1985-1990 years the study of protective coatings and foils nanocomposites metal – metal and metal – oxide with high functionality properties are obtained by evaporation and condensation in vacuum (A.I. Iliinskyi, G.E. Lyakh, A.I. Zubkov, A.S. Terletsky etc..) – introduced at NPO “Hartron”, Factory “Komunar” and oth.
Implemented in those same years, the study of protective coatings with high functional properties, who received mikroduhovym oxidation on aluminum alloys and titanium (VV Bilozerova, GI Mahatilova) – Introduced at the Kharkov plant them. Malyshev and Kharkov plant chillers.
By means of contractual execution of work at the department purchased today X-ray diffractometer, electron microscope, computerized installation for mechanical testing and so on.
Professor AI Iliinskyi produced 18 PhDs. He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications including a monograph, “The structure and strength of vacuum condensates metals, alloys and composites “, and 20 certificates for inventions and patents. AI Iliinskyi elected to the International Council “Physics strength “.
Under the direction of Professor O.V. Sobol at the Department was launched a new direction of scientific research, which is to develop physical and materials science foundations controlled change of phase composition, structure, stress state and functional characteristics of the new type high superhard nanomaterials created on the basis The self-organization in a nonequilibrium state bundle kvazibinarnyh boride, nitride and carbide systems. In this direction, AV Sobolev published more than 180 scientific works, including monographs (“Self-organization in low-dimensional systems”, page 120, “Genesis porous systems “, page 112,” Processes in Condensed cavitation nanosystems “, 96.,” Mechanical properties of coatings based on titanium ” Page 84, “Cluster and Nanostructured Materials” v.3, 516.) And training benefits (“The theory of fractals (infinite approximation)” Page 206, “supersaturated solid solutions”, 204.).
Work in this direction aimed at creating a new class of materials with uniquely high mechanical properties based on vacuum coatings with nanocrystalline-amorphous cluster structure and implemented together with the KNU, SSU NFTTS NAS Ukraine, NSC “KhPTI” NAS Ukraine, IMF NAS Ukraine, MIS Sciences of Ukraine and others.
Department of Materials Science years supports international scientific ties. Thus, cooperation with the company “Tefal” (France) is to develop a protective coating (VV Bilozerova, AI Mahatilova) with Anhoyskym Polytechnic Institute (China) – research and development of thin film heaters (AI Iliinskyi, EV Zozulia).
Many graduates of the department became known scientists and managers most significant enterprises – for example, PhD, Professor S. Dyachenko, G. Beaver, chief metallurgist of KhTZ Belovitsky A.A., chief metallurgist NPO “FED” Shepel S. and others. Department graduates successfully work not only in Ukraine but also in Bulgaria, China, Vietnam, Libya and other countries.
Academic advising perform research carried out at the Department of NAS Ukraine I. Nekludov VM Azhazha.
At the suggestion of the Research Institute of Chemical Engineering Department of Materials past 10 years is consistent with that institution training of the technical personnel of enterprises in Ukraine in direction, “Examination of the equipment and pipelines of chemical engineering”.
Over the past 6 years was successfully performed at the Department of Protection Dissertations:
Volkov O.A., c.t.s.;
Knyazeva A.A., PhD, technical s.;
Subbotina V.V., D.T.S.;
Knyazev S.A., c.t.s.
Shevchenko S.M., c.t.s.;
Pinchuk N.V., c.p.-m.s