Research models of nonstationary random spectral biopotential signals occurring in biochemical objects under the influence of a controlled dynamic factor levels


  • NTU “KhPI”
  • 4th City Hospital ambulance and emergency medical aid behalf of prof. A.I. Meshchaninova
  • The National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine “Institute of General and Emergency Surgery behalf of V.T. Zaitsev NAMN”

Brief description of the project(inventions):

Creating a mathematical theory of multivariate spectral localized simulation of dynamic changes in standards of biomedical signals. Development of a method of time-frequency wavelet analysis to estimate the coefficients of the spectral nonstationarity of the signals to obtain quantitative estimates of the dynamics of their energy changes over time and frequency. Development of the procedure for constructing the metric scale diagnosed pathological conditions according to standard cardio.kardiogramma-serdtsa-715x451

Application area:

  • differential diagnosis of borderline, slightly distinct pathological conditions
  • prediction of postoperative complications

Project status:

Developed and investigated multidimensional localized spectral model of linear time-frequency changes in the cardio. Software has been developed to estimate the spectral nonstationarity factors for the frequency and time domains studied cardio. It built on the basis of spectral nonstationarity factors metric scale for 4 diagnosable cardio conditions. Obtain reliable differential diagnosis of such conditions at the level of 0.999. The possibility of accommodation on the metric scale from 50 to 100 diagnosed pathological cardio conditions.

Implementation period: 1 year

The first half of the year – creating software for localized spectral analysis of random periodic bioelectric signals and determining the time-frequency coefficients spectral of cardio conditions.

The last half of the year — development of software for metrization of scales that are of diagnosed state of biological objects and the evaluation of risks and reliability multialternative medical diagnostics.

Expected results:

  • Software for estimating the coefficients of the spectral nonstationarity periodic random biomedical signals and the construction of metric scales multiple-diagnosed conditions

The contact person:

Tomashevskyi Roman,

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