The diagnostic system for the detection of impaired glucose tolerance (latent diabetes mellitus type 2)


  • NTU “KhPI”
  • Institute of Endocrine Pathology. V.Ya.Danilevskogo AMSU

Brief description of the project(inventions):

Widespread heavy endocrine disease – type 2 diabetes (T2D), has a long latent with advanced vascular and neurological complications, it is of great medical and social problem. Currently, his latent form – impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) can be detected only by experienced endocrinologist with subjective expert analysis of data glycemic oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) patsienta.Etot test is to measure the blood glucose level on an empty stomach and then after an oral glucose load several times at an interval of half an hour.

Графическое представление данных ПТТГ 185 пациентов с экспертными диагнозами НОРМА ( ) и НТГ ( ).
Graphical representation of data OGTT 185 patients with expert diagnoses RATE () and IGT ().

The top figure in the coordinates of time – glycemia points shows typical data OGTT glycemic three glycemic state system of regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in the patient: blue asterisks – NORM, red circles – IGT, a red asterisk – with mild type 2 diabetes. The vertical axis is the value of glucose in mg% (amount in mg of glucose per 100 ml of blood). The figure below presents the data points clearly OGTT 185 patients with the set of expert diagnoses: with IGT – 87 and with the norm – 98. With a view to their separate circles of visual perception, appropriate diagnosis RATE, shifted with respect to the real points in time to measure them more to the left, and the stars, appropriate diagnosis IGT – right. From this figure it is evident that the actual glycemic intervals of the two states (according to expert diagnosis) at all moments of time measurement of glycemic overlap to a greater or lesser extent, which makes it impossible to carry out an objective diagnosis of IGT directly

Типичные гликемические данные ПТТГ: 1 – НОРМА, 2 – НТГ, 3 – СД2 с легким течением
Typical OGTT glycemic data: 1 – Normal 2 – IGT, 3 – type 2 diabetes with mild

according to the OGTT and automate it for mass population surveys. This project is to develop a biotech diagnostic system for objective detection of latent diabetes mellitus type 2 patients according to OGTT based on their conversion to more informative diagnostic parameters of carbohydrate metabolism system.

The system consists of four blocks: 1 – the patient; 2 – sample glucose sensor; 3 – the block model numerical data processing OGTT; 4 – unit diagnostic analysis.

Application area:

  • centers (points) of clinical laboratory diagnostics
  • treatment centers
  • independent use of individual patients.

Project status:

The program block model numerical data processing OGTT. Clinical data obtained glycemic patients with expert diagnoses NORM and IGT. Developed and partially implemented an algorithm block diagnostic analysis. Preliminary results were presented at numerous scientific conferences and have received approval and support of leading experts.

Implementation period: 10 months

  • Start of the project (system development)
  • Creating a prototype
  • Experimental verification of system performance (numerical experiments, Troubleshooting. Improvement)
  • Medical research (in the clinical material testing)
  • Completion of the project (registration report)

Expected results:

Results of the project will make it possible to carry out an objective diagnosis of latent diabetes mellitus type 2 in the mass screening of the population. As a result, it is planned to obtain:

  • New promising diagnostic method with the possibility of the introduction into clinical practice
  • Prototype of a new diagnostic tool

The contact person:

Lapta Stanislav,

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