Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"

Development of the system replacement insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2)


  • NTU “KhPI”
  • Institute of Endocrine Pathology. V.Ya.Danilevskogo AMSU

Brief description of the project(inventions):

It is known that type 2 diabetes is a virtually incurable disease or medication, or surgery. It can`t be completely cured, but can only compensate for normalizing blood glucose insulin injections or oral antidiabetic medications, which themselves do not possess the property of normalization.

The big responsibility for the life and health of the patient requires individual development regime of insulin injections. It is carried out by trial and error on the patient in the hospital for three weeks under medical supervision and repeated annually.

In this empirical approaches the fearing of a possible subsequent hypoglycemic coma insulin overdose, the doctor prefers to only weaken hyperglycemia, leaving DM2 undercompensated, condemning the patient in his late complications.

Therefore, even a few decades ago, the idea of equipping a patient with type 2 diabetes alternative artificial technical regulator of carbohydrate metabolism processes.

It is obvious that the central problem of the creation of such device is a management task: the formation of the optimal control action on the principle of negative feedback on the basis of the development of mathematical simulator physiological system of regulation the carbohydrate metabolism.

Currently, such working mode of selection device endocrinologist intuitively performed in the same manner as the intensive insulin therapy of the same and precautions for hypoglycemia with the same under compensation DM2. This negates the nominal advantage over traditional insulin pump insulin therapy in achieving diabetes patient satisfaction.

It is assumed that:

  • Mathematical model of regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, individualized according to the patient’s glycemic data, in a sense, replacing it can also be used instead of it on the stage of selection of the operating mode of your insulin pump. That is, if not completely relieve the patient of the burdensome procedures over him at the clinic and then cut them.
  • Also for the real complications of type 2 diabetes prevention daily profile of glycaemia should be brought to the physiological form with a basal level in the band 60-100 mg% ( 1 mg of glucose for per 100 ml of blood) and the mandatory short-lived postprandial rises up to 155mg%.

Application area:

  • specialized clinics
  • application for the development of medical devices in endocrinology

Project status:

To calculate the modes of insulin developed type of carbohydrate metabolism regulation system has been improved by introducing exogenous insulin. Mathematical model of regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, individualized according to the patient’s glycemic data, in a sense, replacing it can also be used instead of it on the stage of selection of the operating mode of your insulin pump. That is, if not completely relieve the patient of the burdensome procedures over him at the clinic, then cut them.

Preliminary test computer selection mode of the computer, using individualized patient mathematical model of regulation of carbohydrate metabolism were carried out according to the literature.

It is expected that the dynamics of glucose in a patient with type 2 diabetes effectively normalized within days that it will provide full compensation for type 2 diabetes.

Численные эксперименты по нормализации уровня гликемии

Numerical experiments on the normalization of glycemia

Implementation period: 10 months

  • Start of the project (system development)
  • Creating a prototype
  • Experimental verification of system performance (numerical experiments, Troubleshooting. Improvement)
  • Medical research (in the clinical material testing)
  • Completion of the project (registration report)

Expected results:

Using the control module of the system software for medical purposes on the basis of the mathematical model could allow a patient with type 2 diabetes carry virtually free lifestyle, the prevention of its complications. Therefore, on the basis of this program is to develop a system for the replacement of insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes

The contact person:

Lapta Stanislav, stas69@ukr.net

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December 2024

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