Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Along with all the new hopes and promises that the New Year would bring

 Hope it also brings us a lot more opportunities to work together ! 

Wish you a very happy and successful year ahead !


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Game design projects

Five year students discussed the questions of heating systems energy audit and reconstruction of steam and hot water boilers with their transfer to the burning of alternative fuels within the anual game design exam. The game was supervised by prof. A.Ganzha, assistant prof. L.Zbaraz, senior lecturer A.Tarasenko, assistent V.Podkopai. The general atmosphere that prevailed on the student projects defence  proved once again the indisputable advantages of this method of learning such as  collective responsibility, the ability of self-learning and using a creative approach for solving the specific problems of professional activity.

Игровое проектирование декабрь 2015
Игровое проектирование декабрь 2015
Игровое проектирование декабрь 2015
Игровое проектирование декабрь 2015
Игровое проектирование декабрь 2015
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New admission rules

Dear students and their parents! Our site has updated information concerning the conditions of admission to our specialization in 2016.
See new admission rules

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Full-text electronic books

Full-text electronic versions of books are available on the website in the section Textbooks and monographs :

“Системно-структурный анализ парокомпрессорных термотрансформаторов (The system-structural analysis of steam-compressor thermotransformers)” , the authors: Yu.M.Matsevity, E.G.Bratuta, D.H.Harlampili, V.A.Tarasova
“Диагностика капельных потоков при внешних воздействиях (Diagnosis of droplet streams under external influences)” , author: E.G.Bratuta
“Поэзия термодинамики (Poetry of thermodynamics)” , author: E.G.Bratuta

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Sad news

A sad news has came. Tatiana Rodionova, our former teacher died on November 5. She was 77 and she waged a lengthy battle with a serious disease for 5 last years. She gave our chair for almost 40 years of her life. We remember her as a humble, sincere person and a good professional. The diploma, which she developed with students described temperature fields in the baked buns, always evoked keen interest. We express our condolences to all the relatives and friends of Tatiana.

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Congratulations on successful defense!

It’s our pleasure to congratulate


our graduate of 2011, now the assistant of the chair of history of science and technology of NTU “KPI”

on occasion of her successful defense of a thesis for the candidate of historical sciences degree
“The formation and functioning of the Kharkov scientific-industrial air conditioner building complex (early 30’s – early 90’s of XX century)”.

We wish her many success and further achievements!


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Professor A.N.Ganzha is officially designated as the head of the chair

It is our great pleasure to congratulate doctor of technical sciences, professor Anton N. Ganja on his appointment to be the Head of heat engineering and energy effective chair. May wisdom, understanding, health, strength, inspiration and success accompany him in his new appointment and guide his work.

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Masters, specialists and bachelors graduation, 2015

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“Automation of thermal processes and systems” game design


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For graduate students (defence shedule)

Masters (EM-49m, EM-79m):
06.08.2015 (Monday) 10-00
17.06.2015 (Wednesday) 10-00

Bachelors in full-time education (EM-41, EM-71)
06.25.2015 (Thursday) 10-00
06.26.2015 (Friday) 10-00

Distance learning specialists (EMZ-49c, EMZ-79s)
19.06.2015 (Friday) 10-00

Distance learning Bachelors (EMZ-41, EMZ-71)
06.16.2015 (Tuesday) 10-00

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