
In 2023, associate professor of the Department of Applied Electrical Engineering Nataliia Kriukova completed an international internship on the topic: «Internationalization of education. New and innovative teaching methods. Implementation of international project in the EU financial perspective» in the amount of 6 ECTS credits (180 hours). Certificate No. 9/2023 dated 01.12.23 was issued by Collegium Civitas University (Warsaw, Poland).


The department of Applied Electrical Engineering  took part in the XXXI international scientific and practical conference «Information Technologies: Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, Health. MicroCAD-2023».



    A start of applications for participation in the “Erasmus +” mobility program with the Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska) has been announced.

   The EU grant program “Erasmus +” level KA1 for mutual exchange of students and employees of higher educational institutions opened at the Department of applied electrical engineering and the Department of industrial and biomedical electronics in the direction of “Industrial engineering and construction” with priority in the directions: “Industrial and automotive electronics”, “Detonation spraying” and “Environmental problems of transport”. Exchange is envisaged between our university and the Warsaw University of Technology.

   The selection of candidates for participation in the exchange program among students/graduate students is carried out on 2023/2024 academic year (autumn semester) and university employees for 2023/2024 academic year. According to the program, the exchange of 2 students/graduate students on the Ukrainian side is provided for 1 semester (5 months) and 3 employees for 7 working days. Students receive 800 euros per month and 210 euros for moving. Payment is made by the receiving side.

    For the selection of candidates jointly by the Department of applied electrical engineering and the Department of industrial and biomedical electronics and the International department of the University a competitive commission was created, which makes decisions on the recommendation of candidates for education.

   According to the terms of the program, candidates from among students/postgraduates must meet the following criteria:

– high success rates;

– knowledge of English (not lower than B2 level);

– participation in Olympiads and competitions;

– scientific publications of students;

– social activity;

– specialization in “Industrial and construction engineering”.

   To participate in the selection, you must submit:

  • CV – up to 1 page of A4 format (Ukrainian and English);
  • Letter of motivation – up to 1 page of A4 format (Ukrainian and English);
  • Extract from the electronic record book for the entire period of study;
  • Other documents confirming compliance with the requirements.

   Candidates from among the employees of higher education institutions must meet the following criteria:

– knowledge of English (not lower than B2 level);

– an original course of lecture classes in English (5 classes of 2 hours each), which is planned to be presented at the partner university in the direction “Industrial and construction engineering”;

– scientific works in the field of “Industrial and construction engineering” published in publications that are referenced.

   Documents must be sent by April 30, 2023, to addresses: and

   For all questions, contact the addresses: and

We invite you to participate and wish you success!


The department of Applied Electrical Engineering  took part in the conference



The department of Applied Electrical Engineering  took part in the conference

«Siema – 2022».


The department of Applied Electrical Engineering  took part in the XXX anniversary international scientific and practical conference «Information Technologies: Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, Health. MicroCAD-2022».


The department of Applied Electrical Engineering  took part in the  international scientific conference “IEEE 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY SMART SYSTEMS (ESS)  October 12-14, 2022.


Head of the Department of Applied Electrical Engineering professor Korytchenko KV was on a 3-week visit to Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia at the invitation of professor Mario Janda. This university is one of the basic in Slovakia.

    According to the program of the stay, he conducted research on the parameters of spark discharge plasma, which is generated by a high-voltage device developed at our university by NTU “KhPI” by the departments of “Industrial and Biomedical Electronics” and “Applied Electrical Engineering”. The measurements were performed on a modern research base of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University using a high-speed camera and spectral meters.

   The influence of a special gas discharge on changes in the state of the gaseous medium was studied. In the future, it is envisaged to use such a spark discharge for plasma treatment of objects in the biomedical field. According to the results of successful tests, it is possible to involve graduate students of our university in research within the grant program of Comenius University in Bratislava.

The photo (below) shows a team of researchers from Comenius University in Bratislava and prof. Korytchenko KV.


The department of Applied Electrical Engineering  took part in the conference Siema – 2021.


The department of Applied Electrical Engineering  took part in the conference 2021-IEEE-International-Conference-on-Modern-Electrical-and-Energy-Systems-(MEES).


The department of Applied Electrical Engineering  took part in the conference 2021-IEEE-2nd-KhPI-Week-on-Advanced-Technology-(KhPIWeek).


The schedule of consultations of teachers and the schedule of liquidation of academic debt of students at the Department of Applied Electrical Engineering in the autumn semester of 2020/2021 academic year.


Head of the department of Applied Electrical Engineering prof. Korytchenko Kostyantyn  took part in the conference XXXIV ICPIG & ICRP – 10.


The Department of Applied Electrical Engineering, on April 23-25, 2019, held 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Electrical Engineering.


The defense of the candidate’s thesis Kocherga A.I. was held at the  Department of Applied Electrical Engineering on the topic “Increasing the efficiency of linear pulse electromechanical converters due to multi-dia configurations”


The defense of the candidate’s thesis Oleksenko S.V. was held at the  Department of Applied Electrical Engineering on the topic “Evaluation of Performance Linear Electromechanical Transducers Impact of High Magnetic Compatibility