Professional and academic experience
1980 – 1986 –engineer, leading engineer of the department of wheeled and tracked machines of KhPI.
1987 – 2005 – researcher, senior lecturer, senior researcher of the Department of Wheeled and Tracked Machines of NTU “KhPI”.
2005 – 2012 – head of a group of automobile transport companies: dealer sales, service and repair of cars, passenger transportation (taxi), construction and operation of automobile filling stations/
2012 – 2013 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Car and Tractor Industry, NTU “KhPI”.
2013 – present – Associate Professor of the Department of Car and Tractor Industry NTU “KhPI”.
1980 – Mechanical engineer, specialty “Wheel and tracked machines” KhPI.
1990 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.02.05 (Special vehicles and automatic machines). Topic: “Special topic”.
Teaching academic disciplines
Theory and basics of car design.
Basics of operation and maintenance of cars at service stations.
Entry to the profession. Introductory practice.
Modern car filling stations and charging terminals.
Modern directions of road transport infrastructure development.
Scientific interests
The dynamics of the tracked train during movement over bumps and the selection of parameters of the traction-coupling device.
Analysis of the impact of various damping devices on the mobility of wheeled vehicles.
Remote monitoring of the vehicle’s technical condition.
Analysis of modern approaches during the design of road transport enterprises.
Professional Achievements and Memberships
More than 55 scientific and educational and methodological works have been published.