Graduate School (Ph.D.)

The training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies is one of the main sources of constant replenishment and renewal of the intellectual potential of the “Automotive and Tractor Construction” department. Training of personnel of the highest professional level in postgraduate and doctoral studies in specialty 133 – “Industrial mechanical engineering” is one of the priority areas of scientific and educational policy of NTU “KhPI”.

The post-graduate course prepares scientific-pedagogical and scientific specialists with and without separation from production, and the doctoral course with separation from production. Forms of study in graduate school for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy: full-time (day, evening) and extramural.

Training in postgraduate and doctoral studies is carried out at the expense of:

funds from the state budget of Ukraine (by state order);
funds of legal entities and individuals (on the terms of the contract).