133 – Industrial Machinery Engineering

Master’s Educational program: Transport and technological machines and equipment (Cars and Tractors)

The purpose of the program: training of highly qualified specialists capable of solving complex tasks and problems in the field of mechanical engineering, characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions, with the possibility of continuing education to the level of a doctor of philosophy.

Object of study: system engineering for the creation of innovative technical objects of industrial engineering and their operation, which includes: machines, equipment, complexes, methods and current lines of engineering production, technologies and means of their design, research, manufacture, operation and disposal; processes, equipment and organization of industrial engineering production; means and methods of testing and quality control of industrial engineering products; systems of technical documentation, metrology and standardization.

Theoretical content of the subject area: a set of means, methods and methods of activity aimed at creating, operating and disposing of mechanical engineering products.

Methods, techniques and technologies: methods, means and technologies of calculation, design, construction, production, testing, repair and control of objects and processes of industrial engineering, modern information technologies of design, methods of research of objects and processes of industrial engineering.

Tools and equipment: main and auxiliary equipment, means of mechanization, automation and management of industrial engineering processes; means of technological, instrumental, metrological, diagnostic, information and organizational equipment of production processes.

Orientation of the educational program: educational and professional applied, focused on the formation of the ability to carry out engineering activities in relation to the full life cycle of industrial engineering products (development, implementation, adjustment, research, operation, repair and disposal) according to the specified blocks of disciplines.

Features of the program: project-based learning based on the sequence of implementation of integrated educational and real projects. Mandatory pre-diploma practice at enterprises of the machine-building industry in accordance with the selected block of disciplines.

Further education: the possibility of obtaining education at the third (doctor of philosophy) level of higher education, as well as additional qualifications in the education system.

The main type of activity: development of modern cars, tractors and their systems using computer design and innovative IT technologies; optimization of design parameters; organization and conduct of research works in the field of tractor construction; calculations, design and testing in departments of firms and companies designing new equipment; organization of agricultural service and sale of cars, tractors and spare parts; management functions regarding the operation, diagnosis, maintenance and repair of cars, tractors and special equipment.