The best motivation of the student to study the discipline is a clear understanding of where exactly it will be needed in his further professional activity
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The best motivation of the student to study the discipline is a clear understanding of where exactly it will be needed in his further professional activity

At the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, it has become a good tradition to begin the study of the discipline with a clear understanding by students of the importance of gaining knowledge and skills, based on the results of studying the discipline, which they will need in their further professional career. It is desirable to do this on specific examples, to form a motivational connection in the mind of the student, between the discipline and his professional activities. To this end, after the completion of the second year of internship at the Innovation Campus, students studying under the educational program “Information Systems Software” (Innovation Campus), at the beginning of the study of the discipline “Computer Networks”, an online meeting was organized with the Senior Resource Development Lab Head of Epam Andriy Kostromytsky, who told the students about the place and role of computer networks in mastering the profession of DevOps-engineer.
Traditionally, we thank Andriy for fruitful cooperation and look forward to further meetings!