Information Systems and Technologies
Project-based training

Project-based training

Innovation Campus – a joint project of the Vasily Khmelnitsky Foundation K.Fund and NTU “KhPI”

In Innovation Campus, project-based learning gives students the opportunity to develop practical skills in a chosen training track. Individual courses and disciplines are replaced by the development of practical projects. These projects can last from 2 days to 6 months. Some projects are developed individually, others – in groups. Each project is a complex task with a brief description of practical and theoretical skills that students must acquire throughout the entire learning process at the Innovation Campus.

The “heart” of the campus is an innovative educational program UCODE, which was developed by the lecturers of NTU “KhPI” in collaboration with UNIT.Factory specialists.
This educational program will provide an opportunity for talented young people to get a classic university education, supported by practical skills in the field of IT technologies.
Students who entered the bachelor’s program: 121 “Software Engineering”, 122 “Computer Science and Intelligent Systems”, 126 “Software of Information Systems” can study at Innovation Campus.
Undergraduate studies last 4 years, out of which 2 years at Innovation Campus:
• 1st year – introduction to the specialty, mathematics, basics of software development and algorithmization.
• 2nd – 3rd year – “marathon” (4 weeks of testing and selection), according to the results of which some students switch to project training.
• 4th year – fundamental training (mathematical modeling and analysis, decision making, software design, etc.), practice, thesis defense.

Innovation Campus will not only enable students to get profitable offers for their future work and will teach information technology, but will also help them master the skills of the 21st century: cooperation, communication and teamwork.