Master Degree. Educational and Professional Program. “Electronics” 2023

Educational and Professional Program. “PDF”

Curriculum of the eye form of study for a term of 1 year 4 months. “PDF”


Optional educational component

Profiled discipline package 01 “Industrial electronics”

The first semester

Digital Signal Processing. “PDF”

Power Conversion Systems. “PDF”

The second semester

Electronic Systems of Adjustment. “PDF”

Energy Saving in Power Supply Systems with Semiconductor Devices. “PDF”

Profiled discipline package 02 “Biomedical electronics”

The first semester

Program Development for Microcontroller Systems. “PDF”

Theory of Automatic Regulation. “PDF”

The second semester

Electronic Devices of Radiodiagnosis. “PDF”

Methods of Laboratory Diagnostics. “PDF”

Optional student disciplines of the profile training

The first semester

Programming of Embedded Systems. “PDF”

Information and Encoding Theory. “PDF”

Pathological Physiology. “PDF”

The second semester

Real-Time Systems. “PDF”

Internet of Things Technology. “PDF”

Quality Management System in Medical Instrument Engineering. “PDF”

Special Issues of Power Electronics. “PDF”

Synthesis of Digital Devices. “PDF”

Mathematical Methods of Medical Signal Processing. “PDF”


Working program. Pre-diploma practice. “PDF”

Responsible for practice

Kryvosheev Serhiy Yuriyovych, candidate of technical sciences, head of the department