Conference paper format & Application form

Requirements for materials

Volume of abstracts – 2-6 full pages (A4), submitted in electronic form to the Organizing Committee.

Filename – the name of the author / co-author in Latin letters.

Abstracts are issued in accordance with the following requirements:

  • font Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing – single (you can use a forced transfer);
  • margins: left, right, top – 2.2 cm, bottom – 3.0 cm line spacing – single;
  • in the first line – the title of the paper in capital letters (centered, in bold, size 16);
  • in the second row – surname and initials of authors (centered, in bold);
  • in the third row – complete name of the institution, the city and e-mail (italic, centered, in bold).

Figures that are inserted in the text should have dimensions not exceeding 15 × 9 cm using formats: bmp, tif, jpg. Font size of the figures – 14 ppt. Figures made ​​using Word, must necessarily be grouped.

For more information, please, contact executive secretary, Tatyana Falaleeva:

Example for abstract:


Smith S.S., Ivanov I.I.

National Technical University” Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

Kharkiv, e-mail


Text of the abstract.

After having received the materials, Organizing Committee will send to the address of the author the letter with the message “Materials are admitted”  in 3 days. The authors will have sent the materials to the E-mail address, but won’t receive the confirm that these have been received by Organizing Committee will be pleased to send the submission letter once more.



Application form send to


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