Magistracy Student of the Department Svetlana Lisitskaya Wins the Competition “Dozen of Beauty”

The final round of the competition “Dozen of Beauty” was held on April 6th, 2013 in “Misto” club under the slogan “Stars among us”. The most beautiful students of Higher Education Institutions of Kharkiv competed for victory in the Competition. All participants presented incredibly beautiful and fantastically spectacular show to the audience, surprising people with bright non-standard dance performances and shows. Twelve most beautiful girls from 12 various Higher Education Institutions of Kharkiv were there in the final of the “Dozen of Beauty” on the result of preliminary auditions and two rounds of the Competition. The participants competed not only in beauty and talent, but also in choreographic achievements, virtuosity and charisma of performances.

The winners of the 5th anniversary season of the competition “Dozen of Beauty” were announced with special expectation after 5 competitive dance performances. Magistracy student of the NTU “KhPI” Strategic Management Department Svetlana Lisitskaya won on judges vote. Alexandra Levina from the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine” won on vote of the audience. It’s worth saying that this Competition has no analogs according to the show program in Ukraine and allows participants from Universities of Kharkiv to open their talents and to show artistry, beauty and grace under the leadership of the best directors and choreographers of the city.

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