Lectures in Lodz University of Technology as a part of the Erasmus + program

From November 25 to 29, 2019, Head of the Department of Strategic Management Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Igor Kononenko was at the Lodz University of Technology as a part of the Erasmus + program. He gave lectures for undergraduate and graduate students of this university. The topics of the lectures were devoted to the formation of effective methodologies for managing project portfolios in IT companies, the integration of strategic management, portfolio and project management. During the lectures, students used a mobile application to select the methodology for managing a specific IT project, developed by I. Kononenko, D. Prochukhan, S. Lutsenko in NTU “KhPI”.

Meetings and discussion of work plans with the coordinator of the Erasmus + program on Computer Science Assoc. Professor, Head of IT Education Division of Institute of Information Technology, Aneta Poniszewska-Maranda, and coordinator of educational projects of the Center for International Cooperation of the Lodz University of Technology mgr. Małgorzata Świt, took place.

Collaboration in the field of creating information technologies in strategic management, portfolio and project management was discussed with Prof. Dr. Natalia Kryvinska, a renowned scientist representing the University of Vienna and Comenius University in Bratislava.

Prof. I. Kononenko got acquainted with the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process at the Lodz Technical University and teaching technologies for future IT specialists. The acquired knowledge will be applied to
improve teaching at NTU “KhPI”.

In the future, the participation of graduate students, students of NTU “KPI” in the mobility agreement with the Lodz Technical University is being planned.

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