Автоматизація та кібербезпека енергосистем


Dmytro Gapon


In 2002, he graduated from the KhPI National Technical University with a major in “Control and Automation Systems” and received the qualification of an electrical engineer-researcher. From 2004 to 2007, he studied a postgraduate course at the Department of Power System Automation.  

In 2012, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Methods and means of improving the quality of the functioning of automatic frequency discharge of the power system in emergency modes” and obtained the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.13.05 – Computer systems and components.

In 2014, the award of the President of Ukraine for young scientists in the field of science and technology was awarded.

In 2015, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the department of power system automation.

In 2020, he defended a dissertation on the topic “Methods and means of analyzing the quality of power supply and electromagnetic compatibility of electrotechnical complexes and systems”, which was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 09.05.03 – Electrotechnical systems and complexes.

The main scientific directions of Dmytro Anatoliyovych Gapon’s activity are automatic frequency unloading and control of the quality of electrical energy. He is the author of more than 60 scientific and scientific-methodological works.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8609-9707
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=zRdGB2sAAAAJ
Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/5553351

Teaches materials related to modern digital technologies of relay protection and power system automation.