Andrieiev Iurii

Andreev Yuri

  • Professor of the Department of Computer Modeling of Processes and Systems
  • Professor
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences

Research Engineer in Flight Dynamics and Control (1975), Faculty of Physical Engineering KhPI.

Engineer at “Khartron” (1975-1978). Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics (1978-1979). Post-Graduate Student (1979-1982), Assistant (1982-1985), Associate Professor (1985-2004), Doctoral Student (2004-2007), Professor (2009-2010) of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics .Professor of the Department of Computer Modelling of Processes and Systems (Systems and Control Processes) (2010 – present).

Candidate of Technical Sciences (1983). Scientific adviser prof. L.I.Steinwolf.

Doctor of Technical Sciences (2009). Scientific consultant prof. O.K. Morachkovsky.

Scientific research is carried out in the direction of the development and application of a special computer algebra system KiDyM developed in 1985-2020 by a group of NTU “KhPI” specialists, which is used for the analysis and synthesis of the kinematics and dynamics of machines and robotic devices. Y. Andreev is the main author and head of the software development group.