Breslavsky Dmitry

Breslavsky Dmitry

  • Professor
  • Doctor of Technical Science
  • Professor at Control Systems and Processes

Профіль в Scholar.

Профіль в Scopus.

Awarded the Order ‘For Merit’ of the third degree (2020), Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (2019).

Award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “For Scientific Achievements” (2010).

The winner of the XIII region competition “The Best Names of Higher School of Kharkov Region” in nomination “Dean of Faculty” (2011).

CEGB Prize (UK) 2000

Member of the European Society of Mechanics (EuroMech, 1998), Ukraine National Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2001).

Member of editorial board of “Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science”(UK), member of editorial boards of Ukrainian scientific journals.

Research Mechanical Engineer in Dynamics and Strength of Machines, Faculty of Physical Engineering NTU “KhPI” (1984).

Engineer (1984-1986), PhD student (1986-1989), Research Associate (1989-1992), Senior Research Associate (1992-1995) at Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines NTU “KhPI “, Senior Research Fellow at Department of Theoretical Mechanics (1995-1996),  Doctoral student at Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines NTU “KhPI ” (1996-1999).

Associate professor at the Department of Automotive Control of Motion(1999-2000)

Professor at the Department of Control Systems and Processes (2000-2005)

Dean of  the Faculty of Physical Engineering (2001-2015)

Professor and Head of the Department of Computer Modeling of Processes and Systems  (2005-2024)

Professor of the Department of Computer Modeling of Processes and Systems  (from 2024)

List of courses taught:

  • “Equations of Mathematical Physics”,
  • “Numerical Methods of Mathematical Physics”,
  • “Programming”,
  • “Basics of Programming Theory”.
  • Solid Mechanics (for PhD students)
  • Continuum Damage Mechanics (for PhD students)

PhD in Dynamics and Strength of Machines (1990).  Doctor of Technical Science in Dynamics and Strength of Machines (2000). Scientific adviser and consultant – prof. Oleg Morachkovsky.

Author of more than 200 scientific papers and conference proceedings, co-author of 4 monographs, 2 textbooks for students.

Profile in Researchgate

Scientific interests: Physically Nonlinear problems in Solid Mechanics (Creep, Damage and Fracture under Cyclic and Impact Loading), Finite Element Method, Computer Modeling of Technical Processes , Information Technologies in Mechanics.

Main scientific achievements of prof. Breslavsky are obtained in the field of Creep theory. He developed together with prof. O.Morachkovsky the Theory of Creep-Damage behavior of solids under cyclic loading and heating. The approach is used in numerical calculations of structures in Aviation, Power and Chemical Engineering. The paper in “Journal of Strain Analysis” (UK, 2000) had been included the developed approach was awarded as the best paper by CEGB Prize 2000.

Scientific adviser of defended PH.D Theses:

  • O.O.Chuprynin(2000). Modeling of nonlinear creep of non-axisymmetrical shells of revolution under the static, dynamic and radioactive actions
  • O.A.Tatarinova (2009). Development of calculational method for service life estimating of cyclically loaded non-axisymmetrical thin-walled structural elements
  • Yu.M.Korytko (2011). Development of calculational method for service life estimating under periodic varying of temperatures and loading
  • N.V.Shyryaeva(2013). Development of methods of calculations of nonlinear vibrations and  service life estimating of steam and wind turbine blades
  • I.V..Naumov (2013). Experimental and calculational estimating of dynamic processes in device structural elements under impact and punching
  • V.O.Mietielov (2018). Short time orthotropic creep at plane stress state
  • Pashchenko S.O. (2019) Solution of three-dimensional problems of thermal and
    radiation creep in structural elements
  • Senko A.V. (2021) Solution of two-dimensional creep fracture problems by use of
    FEM scheme.

Scientific monographs and chapters in books:

  1. D.V.Breslavsky, O.K.Morachkovsky. High temperature creep at metal forming . – P. 425-517. In: Metal processing by plastic deforming methods, Volume 5th of  “Physical and mathematical theory of metal processing and engineering technology”, Odessa: ONPU, 2004.- 522 p. 
  2. D.V.Breslavsky, A.A.Larin Chapter 3. A.M.Lyapunov and development of Mechanics in Kharkov. – P. 38-56; D.V.Breslavsky, O.K.Morachkovsky. Chapter 10. Influence of fast ocsillating field on deformed solids under nonlinear creep . – P. 247- 266. In:  Academician Alexander Lyapunov: To 150th anniversary//L.L. Tovazhnyansky (ed.) – Kharkiv,  NTU «KhPI», 2007. – 288 p.
  1. Flight dynamics and control: 50 years in KhPI/ D.V.Breslavsky(ed.) D.V.Breslavsky, V.B.Uspensky, A.A.Larin and others.- – Kharkiv,  NTU «KhPI», 2014.- 488 p.
  1. D.V.Breslavsky, Yu.M.Korytko, О.А.Tatarinova. Design and development of Finite Element software. Kharkiv, «Pidruchnik NTU «KhPI».- 2017. – 232 p.(In Ukrainian)
  2. D.V.Breslavsky. Deformation and long term strength of structural elements of
    nuclear reactors . Kharkiv, Madrid, 2020. – 249 p.

Basic scientific papers:

  1. Andrjejew Y., Breslavsky D., Pashchenko S., Tatarinova O. Development the Algorithms of Anthropomorphic Robot’s Motion Control by Use of AI Algorithms// 2020 IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology, KhPI Week 2020 – Conference Proceedings, 2020, стр. 82–85
  2. Plaksiy Y., Breslavsky D., Homozkova I., Naumenko K. Closed-form quaternion representations for rigid body rotation: application to error assessment in orientation algorithms of strapdown inertial navigation systems// Сontinuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2020
  3. H.Altenbach, D. Breslavsky, V.Mietielov, O. Tatarinova. Short Term Transversally Isotropic Creep of Plates Under Static and Periodic Loading/Advanced Structured Materials, Volume 117, 2020, Pages 181-211
  4. D. Breslavsky, A. Chuprynin, O. Morachkovsky, O. Tatarinova and W. Pro. Deformation and damage of nuclear power station fuel elements under cyclic loading/ Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering DesignVolume 54, Issue 5-6, 1 July 2019, Pages 348-359
  5. Breslavsky D., Pashchenko S., Tatarinova O. Stress-Strain State and Damage in Polymer Parts of Instruments Aboard Artificial Satellites/Strength of Materials,  (2019) 51. – P. 231 -239.
  6. Breslavs’kyi, D.V., Metel’yov, V.O., Morachkovs’kyi, O.K., Tatarinova O.A. Short-Term Creep of St3 Steel Under Low-Frequency Cyclic Loading / Strength Materials (2019) vol.51, issue 5. – p. 753-760.
  7. Altenbach, H., Breslavsky, D., Naumenko, K., Tatarinova, O. Two-time-scales and time-averaging approaches for the analysis of cyclic creep based on Armstrong–Frederick type constitutive model/ Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science? 233(5), 2019 . P. 1690-1700.
  8. D.Breslavsky, A.Kozlyuk, O.Tatarinova. Numerical simulation of two-dimensional problems of creep crack growth with material damage consideration. // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. Applied mechanics. Vol , No 7 (92) (2018). P.27-33.
  9. Breslavsky D. Deformation and fracture of square plates under repetitive impact loading / D.Breslavsky, O.Morachkovsky, I.Naumov, O.Ganilova// International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. – 2017. -Р .180-188.
  10. D. Breslavsky, V. Uspensky, A. Kozlyuk, S. Paschenko, O. Tatarinova, Yu. Kuznyetsov. Estimation of heat field and temperature models of errors in fiber-optic gyroscopes used in aerospace systems// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. Information and controlling systems. Vol 1, No 9 (85) (2017). P.44-53
  11. Breslavsky D.V. Consideration the influence of residual stresses and creep strains on rolling the steel sheets / D.V. Breslavsky, V.O. Mietielov // Вісник НТУ «ХПІ». Серія: Динаміка і міцність машин. – Харків : НТУ «ХПІ», 2016. – № 46 (1218). – С. 77-80.
  12. Breslavsky D. Asymptotic solution of anisotropic cyclic creep problem / D. Breslavsky, V. Mietielov, O. Morachkovsky, O. Tatarinova, S. Pashchenko // Nonlinear dynamics – 2016: Proceedings of 5th International Conference, Kharkov, 2730 September 2016. – Kharkov, 2016. – P. 276.
  13. Altenbach H. Modelling of creep and oscillations in material described by Armstrong-Frederick equations / H.Altenbach, D.Breslavsky, K.Naumenko, O.Tatarinova // Nonlinear dynamics – 2016: Proceedings of 5th International Conference, Kharkov, 2730 September 2016. – Kharkov, 2016. – P. 274.
  14. Breslavskii D.V. Anisotropic creep and damage in structural elements under cyclic loading / D.V. Breslavskii, V.A. Metelev, O.K. Morachkovskii // Strength of Materials. – 2015.  Vol. 47, № 2. – P. 235241.
  15. D.V.Breslavsky, O.Morachkovsky, O.Tatarinova. Creep and damage in shells of revolution under cyclic loading and heating// International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. # 66, 2014. – P.87-95.
  16. D. Breslavsky,O.Galas. Analysis of beam flexural oscillations considering high temperature creep of its material // Nonlinear dynamics – 2013: proceedings of the Foutrh International Conference, Sevastopol, June 19-22, 2013. – Kharkov: ”Tochka”, 2013. – P. 375-378.
  17. D.Breslavsky,Yu.Korytko, V.Mietielov, O.Morachkovsky, O.Tatarinova. Numerical calculations of creep damage at cyclic loading by use of tensor damage parameter model// Nonlinear dynamics – 2013: proceedings of the Foutrh International Conference, Sevastopol, June 19-22, 2013. – Kharkov: ”Tochka”, 2013. – P. 379-384.
  18. D.Breslavsky, I.Naumov, V.Konkin, G.Lysachuk. Impact failure properties of circular glass and composite plates and numerical simulation of their dynamical behavior// Nonlinear dynamics – 2013: proceedings of the Foutrh International Conference, Sevastopol, June 19-22, 2013. – Kharkov: ”Tochka”, 2013. – P. 375-378.
  19. D.Breslavsky, O.Morachkovsky, O.Tatarinova. Creep and damage in shells of revolution under cyclic loading and heating//Book of Abstracts of 4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, July 23-26, 2013. – McGill University, 2013. – P.22-23.
  20. D. Breslavsky, O. Morachkovsky. Creep damage processes in cyclically loaded structural members/ Proc. of First Int. Conf. on Damage Mechanics ICDM1, Belgrade, June 25-27, 2012. – Belgrade: Serbian Chamber of Engineers : Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2012. – P.69-72.
  21. D.V.Breslavs’kyi, Yu.M.Korutko, O.K.Morachkovs’kyi. Cyclic Thermal Creep Model for the Bodies of Revolution//Strength of Materials, (Springer). Vol. 43, No. 2, March 2011, p.p.134-143.
  22. E.A.Breslavskaya, D.V.Breslavsky. Іnternet-portal «Database of Steels and Alloys» as an efficient tool in engineering// CIS Iron & Steel Review 2011, #1, pages 12-15.
  23. Breslavsky D. Impact cyclic damage and fracture in thin plates. / D. Breslavsky, I. Naumov, A. Onyshchenko // 7th International Symposium on Impact Engineering, – Poland, 2010. – Р. 28.
  24. D.Breslavsky, I. Naumov, A.Onyshchenko Numerical and experimental investigations of fracture in thin-walled structures at impact loading. // Nonlinear dynamics – 2010: proceedings of the Third International Conference, September 21-24, 2010. – Kharkov: NTU ”KhPI”. – 2010. – P. 278-283.
  25. D. Breslavsky, Yu. Korytko, O. Morachkovsky. High temperature creep and damage accumulation in cyclically loaded axisymmetrical bodies of revolution / // Nonlinear dynamics – 2010: proceedings of the Third International Conference, September 21-24, 2010. – Kharkov: NTU ”KhPI”. – 2010. – P. 467-472.
  26. D. Breslavsky, O. Morachkovsky, N. Shyriaieva. Nonlinear vibrations and long-term strength of turbine blades // Nonlinear dynamics – 2010: proceedings of the Third International Conference, September 22-24, 2010. – Kharkov: NTU ”KhPI”, 2010. – P. 272-277.
  27. D. Breslavsky, A. Chuprynin, O. Tatarinova. Creep damage behavior of thin shells subjected to cyclic loading // Nonlinear dynamics – 2010: proceedings of the Third International Conference, September 22-24, 2010. – Kharkov: NTU ”KhPI”, 2010. – P. 461-466.
  28. D.V.Breslavsky, Morachkovs’kyi O.K., Tatarinova O.A. High-temperature creep and long-term strength of structural elements under cyclic loading// Strength of Materials. – Vol. 40, №5 – 2008. – P. 531-537.
  29. D. Breslavsky, A. Chuprynin, Yu. Korytko, O. Tatarinova. Software and numerical simulation of cyclic 2D creep-damage problems// Nonlinear dynamics – 2007: proceedings of the Second International Conference,  Kharkov: NTU ”KhPI” 2007. – P. 45-48.
  30. D.V.Breslavsky, O.K.Morachkovsky. High cycle creep-fatigue processes in solids // Proceedings of the International Conference “Nonlinear dynamics”, Sept. 14-16 2004, Kharkov, Ukraine.- P. 44-47.
  31. D.V.Breslavsky, A.V.Onyshchenko, N.V.Shiryeva. Impact and nonlinear vibrations of beams and plates// Proceedings of the International Conference “Nonlinear dynamics”, Sept. 14-16 2004, Kharkov, Ukraine.- P. 44-47.
  32. O.Morachkovsky, D.Breslavsky, V. Burlayenko. FE-analysis of dynamic creep-damage in thin-walled structures// Proceedings of the International Symposium ‘Anisotropic Behaviour of Damaged Materils’, Krakow-Przegorzaly, September 9-11, 2002. 18р.
  33. H.Altenbach, D.Breslavsky, O.Morachkovsky, K.Naumenko. Cyclic Creep-Damage in Thin-Walled Structures// Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. – London (Great Britain), 2000. – Vol.35, No 1.- P. 1-11.
  34. Breslavsky D. Simulation of Creep and Damage Effects in Structural Members under Fast Cyclic Load// ZAMM (Zeitshrift fuer Angew. Math. und Mech.).-Berlin (FRG), 1998. – Vol. 78 (S1). S. 301-302.
  35. D. Breslavsky. Cyclic Creep Damage Kinetic Equation for the Case of Fast Oscillating Loading// Proceedings of 6th International Symposium of Creep &Coupled Processes-Bialowieza’98 (23-25.09.1998) Publishers Bialystok Technical University. – P. 91-99.
  36. Breslavsky D., Morachkovsky O. A new model of nonlinear dynamic creep// IUTAM Symposium on Anisotropy, Inhomogenity and Nonlinearity in Solid Mechanics.- Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. – 1995. – P. 161-166.
  37. Breslavsky D., Morachkovsky O. Cyclic creep constitutive equations with consideration of creep – fatigue interaction// Proc. of 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials. -Bethel: SEM. – 1995. – P.61-66.
  38. D.Breslavsky, O.Morachkovsky. Dynamic creep modelling with coupled creep and fatigue damage: computational and experimental results for structures// Creep and Coupled Processes. Selected and rev. papers of 5th International Symposium on Creep and Coupled Processes, Bialowieza,1995.- Bialystok: Bialystok Techn. Univ. Publ. – 1996. – P. 141-146.
  39. Breslavsky D.V., Morachkovsky O.K., Shipulin S.A. Creep and rupture of notсhed plates under fast cyclic load// Proc. 17th Symp. on Experimental Mechanics of Solids. – Warsaw: Warsaw Techn. Univ. – 1996. – P. 118-123.
  40. Breslavsky D., Morachkovsky O. Dynamic creep continuum damage mechanics: FEM-based design analysis// Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications. Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Plasticity held in Barselona, Spain, 17-20 March 1997. – Barselona :IMNE. – 1997. – Part 1. – P.1071-1076.
  41. Breslavsky D., Konkin V., Morachkovsky O. Dynamic creep of rectangular plates// Proc. 16th Symp. on Experimental Mechanics of Solids. – Warsaw: Warsaw Techn. Univ. – 1994. – P. 35 – 38.
  42. Breslavsky D., Morachkovsky O. New experiments in dynamic creep// Proc. 15th Symp. on Experimental Mechanics of Solids. – Warsaw: Warsaw Techn. Univ. – 1992. – P.29-31.
  43. Breslavsky D.V., Morachkovsky O.K., Zolochevsky A.A. Dynamic creep behaviour of structures// Proc. of Second European Conference on Structural Dynamics, Eurodyn’93.- Rotterdam: Balkema press. – 1993. – P.795-801.