Uspenskyi Valerii


  • Professor of the department
  • Doctor of Engineering Sc.
  • Docent

Research Mechanical Engineer in “Flight Dynamics and Control”, Faculty of Physical Engineering KhPI (1984).

Postgraduate student (1984-1987), engineer (1987-1990), researcher, assistant, senior lecturer (1992-1995), associate professor (1995-2012), doctoral student (2002-2005), professor (2012) of the Department of Automatic Control of Motion (Computer Modeling of Processes and Systems).

Candidate of Technical Sciences in “Special Purpose Systems for Information Processing and Control” (1990). Doctor of Technical Sciences in “Systems and Control Processes”(2012). Scientific adviser and consultant – Professor EG Goloskokov. Associate Professor (Department of Automatic Control of Motion) (1998).

Author of more than 140 scientific articles and reports, scientific monograph, co-author of a monograph, textbook, co-author of six patents.

Research interests: Control of Moving Objects, Navigation and Navigation Systems: theory, development, calibration, testing.

The main scientific results of professor V. Uspenskyi are associated with the development of methods for high-precision control of the orientation of maneuverable spacecraft using gyros redundant systems; with the development of methods and algorithms for calibration and operation of integrated inertial-satellite navigation systems for moving objects.

Disciplines taught:
•Operations Research
• Control Theory
• Artificial intelligence systems and methods
• Navigation and navigation systems

Prepared 4 candidates of sciences:

1. Liu Hui (2003) “Development of effective gyroscopic control of the elastic reorientation of the spacecraft”
2. Bagmut I. (2010) “Improvement of correction methods in the integrated navigation system of aircraft”
3. Khatsko N. (2014) “Methods for improving the accuracy of traffic control systems based on the use of compensating models”
4. Nekrasova M. (2019) “Hybrid inertial navigation system for objects with high angular dynamics”

Major scientific publications

Monographs and textbooks
1. Uspenskyi V. Teoretichni osnovy girosilovoho upravlinnia oriyentatsiyu kosmichohoi letalnogo apparatu Assumption. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2006. – 328 p.
2. Mathematical foundations of inertial navigation: textbook. way. / V. Uspenskyi, O. Tatarinova – Kharkiv: Publishing house “Textbook of NTU “KhPI “”, 2017. – 192 p.
3. Dynamics of flight and control: 50 years in KhPI / D. Breslavskyi, V. Uspenskyi, A. Larin and others. For the general ed. D. Breslavskyi.- Kharkiv, NTU “KhPI”, 2014.- 488 p.

Articles and reports at conferences and symposia.
1. Frolov Yu.A. Construction of the trajectory of a rigid body turn / Yu.A. Frolov, V.B. Uspensky // Bulletin of KhPI. Tech. cybernetics and its applications. -Kharkov: KhPI, 1993. – No. 17, Issue. 12. – S. 11-13.
2. Uspensky V.B. On one method of evaluating the efficiency of a gyro-power control system for a spacecraft / V.B. Uspensky // Development and use of information technologies in control systems”: collection of scientific works. – Kiev: Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of Cybernetics, 1993. – P. 97-100.
3. Uspensky V.B. Optimal according to the quadratic criterion spatial turn of the
spacecraft using gyrodines / V.B. Uspensky // Tezi 1-ї Ukraine. conf. s automatic machine. keruvannya (“Automation-94”), Kiev. – K .: Ch. II., 1994 .– S. 379.
4. Uspensky V.B. Choice of the optimal configuration of the SGC for controlling the orientation of the spacecraft / V.B. Uspensky // System analysis, management and information technologies: Bulletin of the KhDPU. – Kharkiv: KhDPU, 1999. – Vip.51. –– P. 73-75.
5. Malyshev K.M. Method of optimization of the structure of the power gyroscopic complex / K.M. Malyshev, V.B. Uspensky // Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering. – Kharkov: KhGPU, 1999. – No. 2. – S. 125-131.
6. Uspensky V.B. Control of redundant systems of gyrodines in the tasks of spacecraft reversal / V.B. Uspensky, Liu Hui // Bulletin of the KhGPU. – Kharkov: KhGPU, 2000. – Issue. 121 .– S. 17-22.
7. Kuznetsov Yu.A. Construction of the solar orientation of the spacecraft with an incomplete measurement vector / Yu.A. Kuznetsov, K.M. Malyshev, V.B. Uspensky // Mechanics and Machinery Buying. – Kharkiv: KhDPU, 2000. – No. 1. – S. 177-183.
8. Liu Hui Approach of Orientation of SpaceCraft on the Basis of Quaternary Models of Rotation of Rigid Body / Liu Hui, V.B. Usbinski // Aerospace Control. – Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute, 2000. – Vol.18, No.2 (Tot.70). – Pp.22-27.
9. Uspensky V.B. Simulation model of the movement of the aircraft / V.B. Uspensky //Bulletin of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine. – Kiev, 2001. – No. 3 (Part 2), KV No. 2635. – S. 59-62.
10. Liu Hui Minimize Propellant Consumption During Gyro System Unloading Process of Spacecraft / Liu Hui, V.B. Uspensky // Aerospace Control. – Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute, 2004. – Vol.22, No5. – Pp.32-35.
11. Garder S.E. Coordination of independent heading estimates obtained in the
gyrocompassing mode / S.E. Garder, Yu.I. Zaitsev, V.B. Uspensky // Bulletin of
Science and Technology NTU “KhPI”, LLC “HDNT”. – Kharkov: LLC “HDNT”,
2005. – No. 2-3 (21-22). – P.67-76.
12. Estimation of the parameters of the angles of non-orthogonality using a direct method and by the results of solving the navigation problem / M.S. Blinov, T.N. Vakhitov, A.B. Kolchev, V.B. Uspensky // Gyroscopy and Navigation. – 2004. – No. 4 (47). – S. 77-80.
13. On the efficiency of estimating errors in measuring the primary parameters of movement in the integrated inertial-satellite navigation system / A.A. Fomichev, V.B. Uspensky, A.B. Kolchev [et al.] // Gyroscopy and navigation. – 2006. – No. 4 (55). – S. 93-94.
14. Kinematic models of rigid body rotation and their use in navigation and orientation control problems. Uspensky // Gyroscopy and Navigation. – 2006. – No. 4 (55). – S.107-108.
15. Uspensky V.B. The solution of the problem of inertial navigation in SINS / V.B.Uspensky, I.A. Bagmut // Aviation and space technology and technologies. – 2009. -No. 3 (60). – p. 39-44.
16. Development of the NaviCad software complex for the design and verification of mathematical support of navigation systems / A.D. Asyutin, D.V. Breslavsky. AI Reznik,… VB Uspensky [et al.] // Mechanics and machinery. – 2009. – No. 2. -S.117-123.
17. Uspensky V.B. Optimization of the structure of the redundant system of unequal-precision sensors / VB Uspensky, O. K. Zvyagintsev // Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Sat scientific. tr. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”;. – 2009. – No. 10. – S. 105-110.
18. Uspensky V.B. Development and experimental verification of the
micro-accelerometer certification method / VB Uspensky, NE Khatsko // Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Sat scientific. tr. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”. – 2009. – No. 10. – S. 188- 193.
19. Optoelectronic sensors of orientation and navigation integrated with SNS GLONASS / A.A. Kazakov, P.V. Larionov, V.B. Uspensky, A.A. Fomichev // Successes of modern radioelectronics. – 2010. – No. 5. – S.13-22.
20. Bagmut I. A. Development of requirements for instrumental errors of the inertial unit of the integrated navigation system / I. A. Bagmut, V. B. Uspensky // Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”;, 2011. – No. 52. – P. 2228.
21. Zlatkin Yu.M. Research results of the influence of the Earth’s magnetic field on the measurement error of a fiber-optic gyroscope / Yu. M. Zlatkin, S. V. Oleinik, Yu. A. Kuznetsov, V.B. Uspensky, I. A. Bagmut // Space technology. Missile weapons: Scientific and technical collection. Anniversary issue. “100 years of M.K. Yangel”. – Dnepropetrovsk: GKB "Yuzhnoe", 2011. – S. 122-132.
22. M.V. Nekrasova Measurement of acceleration and angular velocity of a rigid body using a redundant system of accelerometers / Uspensky V.B. // Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”, No. 63 – Kh .: NTU “KhPI”, 2011.
23. Kuznetsov Yu. A., Oleinik SV, Uspensky VB, Khatsko NE, Study of the temperature dependence of the FOG drift [Text] // Radioelectronika Informatics Management. -Zaporizhzhia: ZNTU, 2012. – No. 2 (27). – S. 152-156.
24. Kuznetsov Yu.A. Method of determination and test results of the influence of the Earth’s magnetic field on the operation of fiber-optic gyroscopes / Yu.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Chumachenko, S.N. Firsov, V.B. Uspensky, E.Yu. Golub // Radioelectronic i Computer Systems. – 2012. – No. 2 (54). – S.66-71.
25. Uspensky V.B. Method of calibration of the accelerometric measuring module / VB Uspensky, MV Nekrasova // Bulletin of NTUU “KPI”. Seria Priladobuduvannya. – 2012. – VIP. 44 .– S.15-24.
26. T.N. Vakhitov, A.B. Kolchev, K. Yu. Happy, V.B. Uspensky, P.V. Larionov, A.A.Fomichev, “Integrated navigation system NSI-2000MTG”, Gyroscopy and Navigation No. 1 (80), 2013, p. 34-48
27. V.B.Uspensky, O.A.Tatarinova, Yu.N. Korytko Methodology for planning calibration tests of angular velocity sensors of navigation and control systems // Mechanics of gyroscopic systems. Vipusk 27. – Kiev. – 2014 .– S. 60-67.
28. M.V. Nekrasova, V.B. Uspensky, Determination of requirements for the calibration accuracy of the meter unit as part of the Accelerometric SINS // Aviation-Space Engineering and Technology. – 2015. – No. 2 (119). – S.63-68.
29. Nekrasova M. Improving the accuracy of orientation object that rapidly rotating / M. Nekrasova, V. Uspenskyi // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2016. # 5/9(83). – 27-32 рр.
30. Uspenskyi, V. Complexification of information in integrated navigation system: UAV case / V. Uspenskyi, D. Breslavsky, V. Metielov, M. Nekrasova, N. Shyriaieva // Differential Equations & Control Theory. September 27 th –30 th , 2017, Poland. Book
of Abstracts. P.20.
31. Uspenskyi, V. Development of method and algorithm of dynamic gyrocompassing for high-speed systems of navigation and control of movement / V. Uspenskyi, І. Bagmut, M. Nekrasova // EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies . –#1/9 (91). – 2018. – Pp.72–79.
32. Breslavsky, D. Estimation of heat field and temperature models of errors in fiber-optic gyroscopes used in aerospace systems / D. Breslavsky, V. Uspensky, A. Kozlyuk, (…), O. Tatarinova, Y. Kuznyetsov // Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – #1. – 2017. – Pp.44–53.
33. Uspenskyi, V. Development of method and algorithm of dynamic gyrocompassing for high-speed systems of navigation and control of movement / V. Uspenskyi, І. Bagmut, M. Nekrasova // Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. –#1/9 (91). – 2018. – Pp.72–79.
34. Nekrasova, M., Designing of the Motion Meter Unit for Systems Calculating the Position of an Object in Space / M. V. Nekrasova,V. B. Uspenskyi, I. O. Bagmut, N. V. Shyriaieva // 2020 IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek). -Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2020. – Pp. 124-128.
DOI: 10.1109/KhPIWeek51551.2020.9250101.
35. Uspensky, V., Rational vibration of the configuration of gyroscopic models for free-form internal navigation systems of high-speed systems / VB Uspensky, M. V. Nekrasov // Bulletin of the National Technical University. Series: Dynamism and utility of cars. – No. 1. – 2020. – P.53-58.

Operations Research

Statement of the problem of linear programming (PLP). Examples of PLP. Methods of solving PLP. Geometric interpretation of PLP in the space of variables. Simplex is a method. Simplex method algorithm using a table for a nondegenerate problem. Two-phase simplex method. M-method. Transport task. Potential method. The task of a discrete game. Theorem on active strategies. Geometric interpretation of the solution. Algorithm for solving the discrete game problem. Tasks of optimal control (TOC): statement, examples. Method of dynamic programming of TOC solution for discrete-continuous systems. Tasks of analytical design of the optimal regulator. The principle of Pontryagin maximum and its application to the optimization of control systems. Two-point boundary value problem and methods of its solution. Examples of technical problems of optimal control and their solution. Optimal control of stochastic systems: formulation and algorithm for solving the stochastic problem of optimal control. Differential games. Degree game, quality game. Solution of the game “Isotropic missiles”; as an example of a differential game. Tasks of schedule theory: formulation, formalization, decision methods.

Control theory

The purpose and objectives of the course. The role of the theory of automatic control in the modern world and in the concept of scientific worldview. Automatic control system (ACS), its functional scheme and components. Basic principles of building control systems. Equations,
static and dynamic properties, transfer functions of elements and systems. Elementary dynamic links, their equations and transfer functions. Transfer functions of connections of elements and the closed system. Block diagram and its elements. Typical input signals.Temporary
characteristics of typical units and systems. Frequency characteristics of elementary links and connections of links. Logarithmic amplitude characteristics (LAC) of elementary units and connections. The use of LAC in the synthesis of systems with specified properties. General
concepts of the stability of a linear system. Criteria for the stability of Hurwitz, Mikhailov,
Nyquist. Use of criteria for solving ACS synthesis problems. ACS quality assessments and their
classification. ACS accuracy in typical modes. Error series and its coefficients. Some ways to
increase the accuracy of ACS. Estimates of speed and margin of stability. Ways to increase the
margin of safety. Integral quality assessments and their use in systems synthesis. Description of
ACS using state space. Fundamental matrix of the system and definition of its elements.
Relationship of vector-matrix form of ACS description with transfer function. Controllability of
systems. Controllability criterion for a linear stationary system. Structural condition of
controllability. The problem of observability of systems. Observability criterion for a linear
stationary system. Method of modal control. Synthesis of a regulator for a system with one and
several inputs.

Systems and methods of artificial intelligence.

Genetic algorithm. What are the genetic algorithms. Basic properties of genetic algorithms. Population. Chromosome. Fitness function. Gene. Allele. Genotype. Phenotype. Block diagram of a genetic algorithm. Selection. Roulette method. Crossover and mutation operators. Examples
of solving problems using genetic algorithms. Evolutionary strategies, evolutionary programming. Genetic programming. Fundamentals of fuzzy systems. Which is a fuzzy set. Methods of problem of fuzzy set. Affiliation function. Typical membership functions. Carrier of
fuzzy set. The kernel of a fuzzy set. The set of “alpha” -level. The height of the fuzzy set. Normal fuzzy set. Operations on fuzzy sets. Cartesian product of two fuzzy sets. Operations on fuzzy numbers, intervals. Fuzzy variable. Linguistic variable. Fuzzy inference system, fuzzy inference rules base. Procedures for fasification, aggregation, activation, accumulation, defasification in the fuzzy inference algorithm. Example of solving problems using the fuzzy inference procedure. Fundamentals of neural networks. Definition of a neural network. Tasks for which neural networks are used. Biological neuron, the property of plasticity of the brain. The difference between a single-processor computer and a biological neural system. McCulloch-Pitts neuron model. Single-layer perceptron. The problem of solving the XOR problem with a single-layer perceptron. Neuron with linear activation function, sigmoid neuron. Neuron type neuron. WTA-type neurons. Hebb neuron model, learning rule. Basic types of neural network architectures. Multilayer perceptron. Backpropagation algorithm for learning a multilayer perceptron. Radial neural networks, an example of radial function. Methods of teaching radial neural networks. Kohonen Network. Hopfield Network. Hamming Network.

Navigation and navigation systems.

Navigation system as a component of the traffic control system. Classification of navigation systems. Primary information sensors used in navigation systems. Tasks of autonomous navigation. Formulation of the problem. Coordinate systems. Autonomous navigation equation.
Equation of errors of autonomous navigation. Autonomous navigation algorithms. Orientation determination algorithms. Algorithms for determining speed and geographical coordinates.Algorithms for identifying the initial conditions (the task of the initial allignment). Horizonting and gyrocompassing method. Exhibition error model. Global satellite radio navigation systems.General concepts, characteristics and structure of existing systems. The principle of operation of satellite systems. Algorithms for primary processing of consumer information. Algorithms for the formation of consumer properties of a moving object. Sensor requirements based on system
requirements. Integrated navigation systems. General characteristics and classification of integrated navigation systems. Features of construction and operation of integrated navigation
systems. Algorithms for information integration in integrated navigation systems. Application of Kalman filter in problems of complexing navigation information. Calibration of sensors.
Formulation of the problem. Calibration equipment and information support. Calibration methods for direct measurements. Calibration methods using SINS algorithms.