
Dear friends!
We invite you to enter the University on 141 specialties “Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics” 141.02 Educational program “Electromechanics” 141.02.01 “Electrical Machines” Department.

Our educational and qualification levels:

  • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering;
  • Master in Electrical Engineering;
  • PhD in Electrical Engineering

Our levels of administrative structure:

  • National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Institute of Power Engineering, Electronics and Electromechanics
  • Department of Electrical Machines

Dear Applicants!

After reviewing the information in the table, you will understand that the profile package of disciplines “Electrical Machines” of the educational program “Electromechanics”, which is provided by the department of the same name, is one of the most reliable and promising for your life path. This specialization provides the graduate with a fundamental education in relation to one of the most important and widespread objects of the technosphere – electrical machines and transformers.

Due to this, our graduates have priority in employment and in their further professional careers as specialists that determine the efficiency and functioning of various areas of human activity, in contrast to a number of specialties created to ensure the operation of systems that serve the operation of electrical machines and transformers.

In addition, the level of training of bachelors and masters of electromechanics, specializing in electrical machines and transformers, allows, if necessary, to deal with these service systems without any problems.

Electrical machines and transformers have been working with us for a long time and will always be needed! Therefore, people who know how to work with these objects and design them will also be needed always and everywhere! And their role has recently been significantly enhanced, when, along with their large distribution instead of conventional combustion engines, electrical motors are installed in cars, motorcycles and other vehicles, which have greater reliability, power density and 3-4 times higher efficiency! 

The moto of our Department is :
“Electrical machines – generators and motors – are
the hearts and muscles of the technosphere!”

About specialization Electrical machines – generators and motors – are the hearts and muscles of the technosphere, without them the existence of a modern developed society is impossible. Electrical machines and the power transformers are extremely widespread. Almost all electric power in the world is produced by electrical generators, then it’s converted and transmitted by transformers and it is consumed mainly by a variety of electric motors, which provide a significant part of all what moves and rotates.
Short description of the educational program / specialization Graduates of the “Electrical Machines” department in the process of educational program of the bachelor get deep professional knowledge and practical skills in electrical machines and apparatuses, transformers, electronics and microcircuitry, electrical drive, modern information technologies, computer-aided design systems, etc. Simultaneous mastering of modern computer technology allows graduates well-versed in programming and modern 3D programs for calculation and designing electrical machines in general, which helps him in a successful career in the future.
Name of the educational program / specialization Educational program/specialization “Electrical Machines”.
The educational and professional program for bachelor’s training is designed for applicants of higher education who seek to become specialists in the fields of engineering and scientific activity in the electric power industry, electrotechnical and electromechanical systems.
Learning the educational and professional program of bachelor’s training in general is aimed at developing the ability to solve specialized technical problems and solve practical problems of professional activity in the electric power industry, electrical engineering and electromechanics or in the course of further studies. This involves the application of theories and methods of electrical engineering and electromechanics, including the theory of electrical machines, apparatus and automated electric drive, production, transmission and distribution of electricity, etc.
In particular, in-depth training of specialization 141.06 “Electrical machines” provides the graduate with:
– the ability to determine the construction features, operation principle and characteristics of different types of electrical machines and transformers;
– ability to apply electromagnetic, thermal, mechanical, hydraulic and ventilation calculations of electrical machines and transformers, as well as to the application of methods of their automated computer design;
– the ability to choose and develop technological processes, the properties of structural and electrical materials of their construction and manufacture of electrical machines and transformers;
– ability to define, organize and implement operating modes, storage conditions, installation and repair of electrical machines and transformers;
– the ability to compile and execute programs for production and certification testing of electrical machines and transformers, to determine the composition and choice of operating modes of power supply equipment for large and small industrial enterprises and a variety of native and foreign firms.
Contacts (department, address, phone numbers, email, links) Department of Electrical Machines: Kharkov, Kirpicheva st., 2, NTU “KhPI”, electrotechnical building, room 113. Phone: +380 (57) 707-65-14; (57) 707-65-77; (57) 707-68-44,
Responsible for work with the entrants – PhD, Associate Professor Duniev Oleksii, mobile phone +380 96-909-11-04 (Viber, WhatsApp).
Head of the department Head of the Electrical Machines department – Milykh Vladimir Ivanovich.
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, was awarded with the sign ” Excellent worker in Education of Ukraine “, a member of the specialized academic council for the protection of dissertations, the executive editor of the series ” Electrical machines and electromechanical transformation of energy” of the scientific publication “Vestnik” NTU KhPI “, head of state and budget research, author of significant a number of textbooks, teaching aids, monographs, inventions and scientific articles.
Educational and qualification levels of graduates   On the basis of the educational and qualification level of the bachelor, the following assimilation of the levels is possible: master’s degree, doctor of philosophy (PhD), doctor of science (ScD).
Basic special educational disciplines Electrical machines, Informatics and computer technology, Programming fundamentals, Mechanical engineering and electrical machinery design, Theory of electromagnetic fields and processes in electrical engineering, Theory of automatic control, Computer graphics of electrical machines, Electromagnetic computer calculations of electrical machines, Design of induction motors, Electrical machines for automatization and household appliances, Reliability of electrical machines, Thermal, hydraulic and aerodynamic processes in electrical machines, Modeling of electromechanical systems, Operation and repair of electrical machines, Production of machines, Testing and diagnostics of electrical machines, Power supply of industrial enterprises, Computer designing of electrical machines in CAD.
Characteristics of specialization Specialization “Electrical machines” is a field of knowledge that unites in itself a wide range of the mankind modern technological era. There is no one branches of industry and everyday life wherever electrical machines and transformers of various sizes and powers are used, namely: in energy, agriculture, oil and gas, electric cars and whole electrical transport, aviation and space, in the navy and river fleet, in medicine, in household appliances in our homes. Graduates of the department receive deep, professional knowledge and practical skills not only in electrical machines and electrical apparatus, but also in electronics and microcircuitry, electric drives, electrical measurements, computer technology, modern information technologies, computer modeling systems and CAD programs, computer-aided design systems, electric power and electricity supply and much more.
Employment Opportunities Graduates of the department pass various types of practice and are guaranteed to find employment with our regular customers at enterprises, hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants, as well as at many other enterprises in Ukraine and abroad. Their orders significantly exceed the annual number of graduates of our department, who immediately or later occupy positions: engineers-designers, engineers-technologists, branch heads and workshops, chief engineers, chief designers, chief technologists, chief power engineers, directors of large enterprises, heads of different firms, etc.
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