Department of


The department provides fundamental training of highly qualified engineering personnel taking into account the modern development of physical science and its applications. The staff of the department is currently one of the largest in the university: the department includes 35 teachers, including 8 professors and 19 associate professors, 6 senior teachers and 2 assistants, as well as 4 researchers and 23 teaching and support staff. There are 5 doctors of science and 18 candidates of science among the teachers, and 3 candidates of science among the teaching and support staff. The strong personnel potential of the department allows to successfully solve any educational and scientific tasks. Much attention is paid to the methodology of teaching the course of general physics in a technical university. The teachers of the department have created original courses on solid state physics, theoretical physics, fundamentals of thermoelectricity, electron microscopy, physical foundations of strength, laser technique and technology, quantum radiophysics and nonlinear optics, etc. The physics course is taught in English to foreign students. Employees of the department conduct active scientific and research work within the framework of projects financed by both Ukrainian and international funds, participate in prestigious scientific conferences, and cooperate fruitfully with foreign universities.


Head of Department

      professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Directions of scientific activity

The department intensively conducts research on:


Kharkiv, st. Kirpychova, 2, NTU “KhPI”,

Educational building No. 2, 1st floor, room No. 10


Phone: (057) 707-63-47