Monthly Archives: February 2022

Happy Anniversary!

Dear Eugene Ivanovich! The Department of Natural Sciences sincerely congratulates you on the Jubilee! We wish you good health, success in all your endeavors, new achievements and much joy!

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International school-seminar

International school-seminar “Modern pedagogical technologies in education” Senior Lecturer of the Department of Natural Sciences Vetsner Yu.I. took part in the XIX International School-Seminar “Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Education” (February 02-04, 2022).    

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Наказ №48 ОД вiд 26 сiчня «Про органiзацiю освiтнього процесу пiд час епiдемiчної небезпеки» Dear students! During the quarantine period (from February 07 to February 25, 2022), students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences are online.  

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