Course “Physics”


Physics as a science plays an important role in many aspects of human life: social, moral and economic. Based on the physical laws, it is possible to reflect many essential features of the processes occurring in a society that is constantly changing. It is physics that allows you to develop systems thinking. It forms a holistic view of the world, develops analytical, emotional and imaginative thinking and forms the scientific worldview, provides basic knowledge for the study of special disciplines and instills the skills of using modern experimental and theoretical methods of studying nature, and also develops the creative abilities of a specialist. It is physics that forms the general worldview that is necessary for an educated person.
The starting points of teaching physics to foreign students at FMO are:

  • mastering foreign language students in terminological vocabulary, through its semantization by means of the Ukrainian and English languages ​​based on previous experience gained in the process of learning in their native language;
  • verbalization of knowledge by means of Ukrainian and English, i.e. the ability to properly build and express thoughts

The selection of the content, structure and logic of the physics course for foreign students of the PF was carried out in accordance with the requirements for graduates of secondary schools and applicants of higher education in Ukraine. The basic normative documents were taken from standard programs in physics for general education schools, which were developed and adapted to the new structure of schools and are based on other typical normative documents on secondary education.

Professional differentiation is carried out by training students for different curricula. Professional differentiation lies in the fact that different groups of study groups study physics, which differs not only in the amount of study time, but also:

  • the list and volume of sections, topics and questions relating to the program of this course;
  • requirements for knowledge and skills of students.

For each training profile, a core of core and auxiliary core knowledge and skills is chosen, which should be learned by students. On the basis of this, a calendar-thematic plan of a physics course in the chosen specialty is compiled.
Particular attention is paid to the educational physical experiment, which is a powerful organic part of the physics course and at the same time an important teaching method.


  • correctly make statements;
  • read the text (meaningfully);
  • find in the text answers to the questions formulated in the tasks;
  • outline the educational material in the process of independent work;
  • apply this knowledge in the analysis of physical phenomena and solving quantitative, qualitative and experimental problems;
  • work with graphs and tables.
  • know and understand the meaning of physical concepts, values, laws, principles, postulates;
  • – describe and explain the physical phenomena and properties of bodies, the results of experiments;
  • gives examples of the practical use of physical knowledge;
  • distinguish hypotheses from scientific theory;
  • draw conclusions based on the experiment;
  • apply acquired knowledge in solving physical problems;
  • use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.

Educational literature

  1. Part 1: Tutorial / Andrii Dobrozhan, Nataliia Riazanova-Khytrovska. – Kharkov: NTU “KhPI”, 2020. – 60 p. – In English. Lang
  2. Part 2/ Andrii Dobrozhan, Nataliia Riazanova-Khytrovska. – Kharkov: NTU “KhPI”, 2020. – 60 p. – In English. Lang
  3. Part 3 / Andrii Dobrozhan, Nataliia Riazanova-Khytrovska. – Kharkov: NTU “KhPI”, 2020. – 60 p. – In English. lang

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