
🎓 from April 1 to 12, we invite you to “Open days of NTU “KhPI”: Getting to know the future!” Join us and learn all about our university!

🌟 Discover a world of opportunities together with the National Technical University “KhPI”! Sign up for our events and get to know the future!

💼 Do you want to learn about specialties and programs of NTU “KhPI”? Come to our “Open Days” from April 1 to 12! We start every day at 16:30 according to the schedule. To participate, choose a format convenient for you (offline or online) and register.

🟢 Two simple steps to participate:
1️⃣ Join our Telegram group at this link and
2️⃣ register for events using the link here

🔗 More information and schedule of events on the website: /

Come and join our community at KhPI National Technical University! 🌟


😮 NTU “KhPI” invites schoolchildren to the “⛄️⛷Winter Kahutiadu🏂❄️” – a new format of holidays with the Polytechnic. New quizzes, a new format, as well as the atmosphere of a real competition await you, which will be interesting for both experienced players and new participants 🤓 📍 events will take place online in Telegram
⏰ from January 8 to 12, starting at 10:00 a.m. and a new topic and quiz every hour. 4️⃣0️⃣ new interesting and informative quizzes are offered for your attention and participation: related to winter and New Year’s holidays 🧸Kahoot quizzes will be held according to the schedule in the format video chat 💻. Then they will be saved in the Telegram group for independent completion at a convenient time 🎮. The main novelty of the Winter Kahutiada ⛄️⛷ is an individual competition and the identification of absolute winners 🏆 who will receive prizes! Compete in live Kahoot quizzes in video chat. Win individual quizzes and collect them. Become an absolute winner and receive a prize 🎁. Prizes will be awarded to the first three absolute winners 🥇🥈🥉, who, based on the results of all live quizzes, will individually score more victories.🔗 For participation, instructions and a more detailed introduction to the holiday program, subscribe to this Telagram group, and also invite friends to join using the link :⚡️
❓ If you have any questions, write to us in the chatbot:

The holiday program and quizzes were developed by young scientists and teachers of NTU “KhPI” 🧙‍♂️


November 26 from 11.00. NTU “KhPI” organizes an Open Day online in Telegram for schoolchildren, their parents and teachers! During the broadcast, the participants will be the first to learn about the intricacies of preparation for the 2024 Admission Campaign, as well as get to know in detail the university and the areas of training of the Kharkiv Polytechnic. You can join at the following link: A new format and large-scale program with a lot of useful information awaits the participants of the Open Day in Telegram. The highlights of the event will be:
Presentation of the university by the rector, Professor Yevhen Sokol;
The most up-to-date information about the National Multi-Subject Test from Oleksandr Sydorenko, Director of the Kharkiv Regional Center for Education Quality Assessment;
Interactive acquaintance of entrants with the areas of training of NTU “KhPI” in the game Kahoot format.
See you in Telegram:

Join in!

Polytechnics will rebuild Ukraine!


Attention high school students and their parents! Already in September, Kharkiv Polytechnic is starting a new recruitment of applicants for sub-courses in preparation for NMT 2024! Classes are offered in mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, history of Ukraine, biology, geography, Ukrainian language and literature. Experienced teachers and modern technologies are waiting for you, which guarantees a comprehensive approach to learning in various fields and acquiring the necessary knowledge to obtain the desired admission to your favorite university. New this year are lesson recordings, which makes it possible to view them at a convenient time. Registration for sub-courses via the link
Unique advantages for students of Kharkiv Polytechnic sub-courses:
– online lectures and their recording, with the possibility to view any lesson at a time convenient for you;
– absolutely all topics from each subject;
– a full cycle of test tasks and quizzes in Kahoot;
– support chats and live consultations of teachers in online mode;
– a powerful career orientation component of training by direction;
– familiarization of students with institutes, faculties, departments and specialties of the university in an interactive form.
Thanks to the distance form of education, students from any corner of Ukraine and those who are outside of Ukraine can become students of KhPI sub-courses. Successful admission is a quality preparation for NMT/VET, as well as research and early selection of a future specialty.

Registration for NMT courses 2023-24 via the link: or by phone: (066)- 027-05-65; (099)-375-11-45.

E. mail:; Instagram: podkursi.khpi.kharkov; Telegram: 073-7076-634.

Schedule of classes on the preparatory courses page:

Join in! Knowledge is power! We will win with KhPI!


NTU “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” invites schoolchildren, their parents and teachers to the Open Day online in Telegram. The event will take place on Sunday, April 2, starting at 11:00. A new format and a large-scale program with a lot of useful information awaits the participants.
Everyone who joins the live broadcast will learn about online education trends and KhPI experience in this area. In particular, the participants will be told about the tools for learning in the educational ecosystem of the university: options for choosing disciplines, project and dual learning, Innovation Campus and LMS technologies, double degree programs and much more. Applicants will also learn about the rules of admission and the procedure for admission in 2023, life hacks, tips and instructions will be shared with them. All participants will be able to familiarize themselves with the educational programs of KhPI in an interactive format — take quizzes prepared by representatives of the Professional Committee of students and institutes, university departments. There will also be a presentation of the new service for entrants “KhPI training”. Among the speakers are Yevhen Sokol, rector of NTU “KhPI”, representatives of the Admissions Committee, management of Institutes and departments of Higher Education.

Connect on April 2 at 11:00 at the link:

The KhPI Open Door Day program consists of four parts:

The first Introductory speech of Yevhen Sokol, Rector of NTU “KhPI”:
– about real online education — how the global trend and experience of online education work at KhPI. Presentation of the new service for entrants “KhPI training”.
The second Advantages of NTU “KhPI”. Online tools and ecosystem of the KhPI educational environment:
– individual educational trajectory (IOT) and choice of disciplines;
– Innovation Campus and LMS — experience of real IT training, the first recruitment for the Business Education major. Training includes the following trendy approaches: dual education, peer-to-peer, gamification. This pedagogical technology won the world “silver” in the field of education, taking 2nd place among the best projects in Europe at the QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Awards 2022 international competition;
– Microsoft 365 — educational environment and services for learning;
– student office and electronic record book;
– services and online tools of the KhPI information ecosystem for access to the worldwide educational and scientific knowledge base;
– DSG:2 double degree program — Your path to a German university degree.
The third. Officially about admission and admission procedure for 2023:
– instructions, tips and life hacks from representatives of the KhPI Admissions Committee.
Fourth. Getting to know the educational programs of the Kharkiv Polytechnic:
– An interactive game by representatives of the Students’ Professional Committee and Educational and Scientific Institutes of KhPI using Kahoot quizzes.
The live broadcast in the Telegram video chat, as well as the game based on Kahoot, will take place at the link

The beginning of the KhPI Open Door Day is on April 2 at 11:00 a.m.


Good spring morning! 🌷
Every week, in the difficult conditions of martial law, Iryna Ivanivna Snihurova, a senior lector of the Department of Ukrainian Language, regularly conducts her classes with the students of the preparatory courses of the NTU “KhPI”. Entrants, overcoming difficulties and obstacles in learning the Ukrainian language, experiencing regular blackouts that arise as a result of Russian missile terror, step by step confidently and thoroughly prepare for writing the national multitest (NMT). Students of preparatory courses at each lesson study the rules of Ukrainian grammar, perform training exercises, test tasks, and also constantly learn from the teacher about the directions of training and specialization, about the advantages and peculiarities of studying at NTU “KhPI”.


Good morning!
In order to prepare applicants for NMT and attract future students to NTU “KhPI”, teachers of our department teach courses organized by the structural divisions of our educational institution.
So, for example, Art. teacher Zaveriushchenko M.P. involved in the IT-incubator for preparation for NMT in the Ukrainian language, which is administered by the teams of the Departments of “Computer Mathematics and Data Analysis” and “Cyber Security” of NTU “KhPI” — this is a free online project.

NMT 2023: how to focus on the main thing

This is a series of 15 webinars that will help future applicants prepare for the NMT tests

The goal of this project is to help high school students prepare for tests at maximum speeds. That is, it will not be a slow teaching of the entire school program. We will focus on life hacks, techniques, secrets and basic principles of successful NMT preparation.