Консультація: | 07.09.2022, 11:00 | https://meet.google.com/eow-ajxy-wfc |
Іспит: | 08.09.2022, 11:00 | https://meet.google.com/fgd-ekfg-czc |
09.09.2022, 11:00 | https://meet.google.com/byf-ssje-ptc | |
10.09.2022, 11:00 | https://meet.google.com/gnt-rmys-mrv |
Вступні іспити з іноземної мови до аспірантури проводяться відповідно до таких вимог:
- Лексико-граматичний тест (60 хвилин);
- Усна співбесіда іноземною мовою, що пов’язана з біографією вступника, його науковими інтересами та планами, а також із поточними суспільно-політичними подіями в Україні та за її межами.
Лексико-граматичний тест:
- Тривалість: 60 хвилин
- Кількість питань: 80
- Тип питаннь: множинний вибір
- Граматичні теми
- Приклад завдань граматичного тесту для вступного випробування аспірантів
Теми для співбесіди:
- Talk about Great Britain and its social and cultural relationships with Ukraine.
- Talk about your university and chances for international academic cooperation it provides.
- Talk about your biography and things that influenced your decision to become a researcher.
- Talk about your home, as well as advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.
- Talk about your working day and the way you use the English language in your everyday life.
- Talk about scientific research at your department.
- Talk about your native town and current social and economic problems it experiences nowadays.
- Talk about the United Kingdom and its social and political influence in the world.
- Talk about your field of research and its practical application.
- Talk about yourself and features of your character that help you become a good specialist in your field.
- Talk about your working day and career prospects for young people in your field of knowledge.
- Talk about your hobbies and interests, as well as typical leisure activities popular in Ukraine.