Lectures by professors of the Management Department of NTU “KhPI” and Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences. Summer school news, part 3.

During the first week of joint study at the summer school “Building Sustainable Economies after the Crisis” at the Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences (Germany), the school participants not only chose challenges and formed teams but also listened to lectures and inputs from leading professors of both universities (Assoc. Prof. Olena Prokhorenko; Prof. Dr. Nataliia Krasnokutska; Prof. Pavlo Brin; Prof.  Taras Danko; Assoc. Prof. Natalia Shyriaieva; Assoc. Prof. Olena Chaikova; Assoc. Prof. Iryna Sitak; Prof. Dr. Philipp Schorn, Prof. Dr. Jacob Lempp, Prof. Dr. Habil. Gregor van der Beek, Prof. Dr. Oliver Serfling, Prof. Dr. Klaus Krumme, Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Kamlage, Prof. Dr. Wögen Tadsen).

The lectures covered topics related to the sustainable development of countries and regions, as well as the specifics of building sustainable development in Ukraine after the war. The lectures helped the school participants to supplement their knowledge of sustainable development and were useful in solving problems on the chosen topics of the challenges.

To be continued!