В.Л. Кирпичов
В.Л. Кирпичов

From 1885 to 1917 Theoretical Mechanics at the Kharkov Practical Institute of Technology (since 1898 – Kharkov Institute of Technology) is studied as a separate discipline of the curriculum for training engineers, along with mathematics, crystallography and hygiene. Classes in theoretical mechanics are held by visiting teachers.

Academicians Lyapunov AM, Steklov VA were invited to teach theoretical mechanics. From 1917 to 1925 theoretical mechanics at Kharkov Technological Institute of (KhTI) is taught at mechanical and chemical departments by full-time teachers: Professors Panchenko AV and Babakov IM, Ass. Fesenko VG, who later became a famous astronomer, academician. Since 1921, a committee of general subjects (headed by Prof. Stolyarov YV) was formed in KhTI, which united full-time teachers who conducted classes in theoretical mechanics, theory of mechanisms and resistance of materials at the institute.
For more than 100 years of the university’s history, the scientific school of mathematics and mechanics represents the contribution of NTU “KPI” to the national science with significant scientific results and increase of knowledge in the field of mathematics and mechanics.

The creation of the scientific school of mechanics began in 1885-1893 at the Kharkov Technological Institute is connected with the scientific interests of the first director of KhTI – VL Kirpichov, professor of mechanics, outstanding scientist and visiting professors, outstanding mechanics: H.S. Golovin, DS Zernov, OM Lyapunov and many others. After OM Lyapunov (from 1893 to 1905) world-renowned scientist-mathematician-mechanic, philosopher, writer, professor at the Kharkov University Steklov (1863-1926), taught the theoretical mechanics.
Under the influence of scientific works OM Lyapunov and V.A. Steklov Ivan Mikhailovich Babakov (1890-1974) is formed as a research scientist – a well-known mechanical scientist, full professor at the KhTI since 1923.


The Department of Theoretical Mechanics is founded In 1925 and Prof. Babakov IM is appointed as its first head. Geronimus YL, Spangler AF, Syrokomsky AI, Kibalchich ZM. and others work at the department. Ass. Geronimus YL later became a professor, famous scientist in the field of mechanics.

From 1925 to 1962 the department of theoretical mechanics was headed by prof. Babakov I.M., from 1962 to 1977 – prof. Groza V.F., from 1977 to 1995 – prof. Karaban V.M., from 1995 to 2020 – prof. Morachkovsky O.K., and from 2020 – prof. Adashevsky V.M. During these years the main areas of the department research has been substantially developed.

І.М .БабаковІ.М .Бабаков
В.Ф. ГрозаВ.Ф. Гроза
В.М. КарабанВ.М. Карабан
О.К. МорачковськийО.К. Морачковський
В.М. АдашевськийВ.М. Адашевський

In different years at the department worked:

Штейнвольф Лев Ізраїлевич (1916-1991)

Штейнвольф Лев Ізраїлевич – scientist, specialist in the field of machine dynamics and applied theory of oscillations, Doctor of Engineering. LI Steinwolf’s research was mainly devoted to various problems in the dynamics of the power transmission of transport vehicles.

Бурлаков Анатолій Васильович (1921-1981)

Anatoly Burlakov – a well-known scientist in the field of nonlinear mechanics and shell theory, Doctor of Engineering, professor, author of the first textbook on the theory of plasticity and creep, two monographs on creep and durability of shells. He was posthumously awarded the State Prize in Science and Technology of Ukraine.

Богомолов Сергій Іванович (1921-1999)

Богомолов Сергій Іванович – scientist, specialist in the field of oscillation theory and optimal design of turbomachines, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science, twice Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Head of the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines (1960 to 1992).

Голоскоков Євген Григорович (1928 -2008)

Голоскоков Євген Григорович – scientist, specialist in the field of dynamics and strength of machines, as well as the management of moving objects, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1968), Professor (1970), laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1984), Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physics (1960-1987), Head Department of Management Systems and Processes (1977-2005), student of Academician A.P.

Honorary Doctor of NTU “KPI”, Honored Worker of Higher School, Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology, Professor Evgeny Goloskovok – specialist in the field of theory and methods of investigation of non-stationary processes, nonlinear oscillations, as well as in the field of theory and systems.
In high school student (since 1949), a young assistant of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics EG Goloskovok became a famous scientist, head of the Department of Applied Mathematics (later – automated motion control, and since 2000 – “Systems and control processes”). For more than 27 years he worked as the Dean of the Faculty of Physics. He made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of non-stationary processes of mechanical systems, nonlinear oscillations of shafts at supercritical revolutions of rotation and non-stationary oscillations of systems under random influences. Has prepared 14 candidates of technical sciences. He is the author of more than 200 scientific works, including 3 monographs.
Аврамов Віталій Прокопович (1923-1992)

Аврамов Віталій Прокопович доктор технічних наук -1971, професор – 1972

He graduated from Kharkov Polytechnic Institute (1951), worked as an assistant (1951-59), senior lecturer (1959-61), assistant professor (1961-71), professor (1971-72), head of the department (1972-92) of wheel and track machines.

He researched and developed undercarriage of high-speed crawler vehicles. The results of the scientific development of Avramov and his students were used in the design of tanks T-64, T-80UD, T-84 and other military and crawler equipment.
He is the author of the following books: Основы автоматики транспортных машин. К., 1986; Гидрообъемные передачи в гидрообъемно-механических трансмиссиях транспортных машин. Х., 1986; Динамика гусеничной транспортной машины при установившемся движении по неровностям. Х., 1990; Динамика гусеничной транспортной машины при прямолинейном движении по неровностям. К., 1992.

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