K. Naumenko, an employee of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Engineering in the specialty “Natural and Technical Sciences” on the topic “Development of high-temperature creep in the mechanics of engineering structures” in Germany (Halle) on 13.06.06 ( K. Naumenko Modellierung DES Hochtemperatur kriechens мех strukturmechanische wendungen / Vorstellungder Абілітація sarbeitim Fachbereich Ingenieur Wissenschaften , 13.06.2006 , Галле) ; Scientific adviser: doctor – engineer, professor H. Altenbah (Germany) and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor О. Morachkovsky (Ukraine) .
According to the agreement on cooperation between the departments of Theoretical Mechanics of NTU “KhPI” and “Mechanics” of MLU Halle – Weittenberg (Germany). In April-July 2003, Ph.D. tech. Sciences Burlaenko VM worked in Germany together with the scientists of MLU, and in August 2003 in NTU “KHPI” together with scientists of NTU “KhPI” and the department of TM worked the head of the department of mechanics, professor, Dr. – Eng. Holm Altenbach and Dr. Konstantin Naumenko from MLU Halle – Weittenberg (Germany). Following the cooperation, an article was published ” Чисельне дослідження впливу технологічних параметрів виготовлення на пружні властивості коротко – волокнистих композитних матеріалів” / Альтенбах Х. , Науменко К. та ін / / Вісник НТУ “ХПІ”. – Харків, 2003 , т. 1 . – С. 184-192
In June 2001, the Rectors’ Academic Council received certificates from the Manchester PRIZE 2000 Prize Committee for the best scientific publication of the year in the UK by Professor Morachkovsky, OK. and Breslavsky DV (soloists: Prof. H. Altenbach and Dr. K. Naumenko, Germany)
In August 2001, undergraduate Sobol V.M. , gr. I-16a, the head – prof. Morachkovsky O.K., received a scholarship by the name of L. Euler on a competitive basis from the German Government
In August 2008, undergraduate Lvov I.G. , gr. I-16a, the head – prof. Morachkovsky O.K., received a scholarship by the name of L. Euler on a competitive basis from the German Government
In December 2014, after graduation from the University of Otto-von-Guericke in Magdeburg, Germany, Lvov I.G. successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Engineering (Doctor of Philosophy) on the topic “Analysis of anisotropic creep and damage behavior of multipass welds”
In 2015 – 2016 the assistant of the department Lvov I.G. He has held scientific internships within the European Innopipes project at the Institute of Mechanics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria), Riga Technical University (Riga, Latvia) and Petroleum-Gas University (Ploiesti, Romania).
In 2014, 2115, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, associate professor Lavinsky D.V. and
in 2019 together with the associate professor Anishchenko G.O. passed a scientific internship at the Magdeburg University. Otto von Gericke (Magdeburg, Germany) under the Eastern Partnership DAAD program. At the seminars of the Institute of Mechanics he made reports:
“Deformation of conductive bodies in electromagnetic fields” on 16.12.2014;
“Structural analysis of the technological systems under electromagnetic field action” on 09.12.16;
“Elasto-plastic deformation of bodies interacting through contact under the action of electromagnetic field” on 08.06.17;
Joint research has published articles:
Altenbach H. Варіаційна постановка задач термодеформування електропровідних тіл у електромагнітному полі / H. Altenbach, K. Naumenko, D. Lavinsky, V. Konkin // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту “ХПІ”. Серія: Динаміка і міцність машин. – Харків : НТУ “ХПІ”, 2019. – № 1. – С. 3-6.
Altenbach H. Задачі нестаціонарної теплопровідності електропровідних тіл у електромагнітному полі / H. Altenbach, K. Naumenko, D. Lavinsky, V. Konkin // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту “ХПІ”. Серія: Динаміка і міцність машин. – Харків : НТУ “ХПІ”, 2019. – № 2. – С. 9-13.