The Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline “Theoretical Mechanics” consists of two stages.
The first stage of the Olympiad is held among students of NTU “KhPI”; students from institutes I, MIT, and EEE take part in it.
The first stage of the Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline “Theoretical Mechanics” allows you to demonstrate the level of professional training of future specialists in the field of technical disciplines.
The second stage of the Olympics is held in one of the leading universities of Ukraine according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The winners of the first stage participate in it.
Olympiad tasks
Olimpiad tasks include tasks in the main areas of theoretical mechanics: statics, kinematics, dynamics, and analytical mechanics. The task on statics is estimated at 25 points, on kinematics – at 35 points, on dynamics and analytical mechanics – at 40 points, in general, the maximum score of the Olympiad is 100. Examples of competitive tasks of the Olympiad are presented in the next section of the department website.
The winners are students who scored:
1st place – 81 – 100 points
2nd place – 71 – 80 points
3rd place – 61 – 70 points
A student – a participant in the Olympiad – is required to comply with these rules of conduct:
A student may have writing materials (pen, pencil) with him. All other things must be left in a specially designated place, including a mobile phone (off).
- The student works only with the tasks of the Olympiad.
- During the Olympiad, students are not allowed to talk, transfer items to each other, use mobile (and / or other) communication means.
- The student has the right to contact the organizer of the Olympiad in the audience or technical worker with questions regarding the technology for processing solutions to tasks.
- After the end of the Olympiad, the student submits the issued solutions to the organizer of the Olympiad.

The results of the first round of the Olympiad are summarized in the form of short and detailed rating lists (ACS data) for each university institute / faculty participating in the Olympiad. The short rating lists for each student indicate the number of correctly completed tasks and the score. To compare the results of all participants in the ACS Olympiad, generalized statistics are carried out. The winners of the first stage of the Olympics significantly increase their scholarship rating.

Advice from Professor Holm Altenbach, Honorary Professor of NTU “KhPI”, from the University of Otto von Guericke (Magdeburg, Germany), whose scientific works are devoted to questions of the mechanics of materials, we advise you to remember and use it in life!
Have more contacts abroad. In our work, obtaining foreign skills is always enriching. We are nothing in science if we look only at ourselves, because we make the same mistakes and repeat the mistakes of people from our environment. Communication with people from different academic schools is impressive and leaves a mark.
The 2nd stage of the Olympics is considered the Ukrainian Olympiad and takes place in one of the leading universities of Ukraine according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The winners of the first stage participate in it.
Participation in the second stage of the Olympics is a unique opportunity for live direct communication with leading teachers of Ukraine in the field of technical disciplines, with representatives of firms and enterprises of a wide profile. This can help in further professional activities. Student Olympiad is a possible start to a successful scientific career not only in Ukraine but also abroad.
Tasks of the Ukrainian Olympiad include tasks in the main sections of theoretical mechanics: statics, kinematics, dynamics. Examples of competitive tasks of the Olympics are presented later in this section of the department’s site.
The winners are students who won : 1st place; 2nd place and 3rd place.