Ukrainian Olympiad


From April 18 to April 20, 2018 at the Department of Engineering Technology
Kremenchug University held the II stage of the Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline “Theoretical Mechanics.
The competition was attended by 56 students from 23 higher educational institutions of Ukraine. There were representatives of both classical and technical universities from Lviv, Kiev, Kharkov, Dnipro, Odessa, Lutsk, Chernivtsi, Kremenchug, etc.

1Representatives from Kharkov National University “KhPI”, Educational Scientific Engineering-Physical Institute
there were students of specialty 113 “Applied Mathematics”, specialization “Computer Mechanics”, academic groups I 16a, НT 16b:

Fomenko N., Chetverikova A. Babujan R., Krasiy D.



Lavinsky D., Morachkovsky O. , Fomenko N., Chetverikova A.
Movement Invariance in the Analysis of Fluctuations in Body Systems
Babujan R., Krasiy D., Lavinsky D., Morachkovsky O.
Dynamics of Body Systems and Invariance of Movement Measures

Babujan R. Krasiy D.M., Lavinsky D.V., Morachkovsky O.K.
Movement Invariance and Application to Investigation of the Dynamics of Body Systems

Lavinsky D.V., Morachkovsky O.K. , Fomenko N.O., Chetverikova A.D. .
Analysis of Vibrations of Body Systems with Applications of the Invariance of Movement Measures

 Fomenko N.O., Chetverikova A.D., Chuprinina K.L., Morachkovsky O.K.
Properties of Lagrange Equations of the 2nd Generation: Covarianity and Invariance

Babujan R.A. Krasiy D.M., Konkin S.V.,  Morachkovsky O.K.
To the Concept of the Coverance of Lagrange Equations

R.А Babujan, D.М. Krasiy, S.V. Konkin, О.К. Morachkovsky
Covariance of the 2nd Generation Lagrange equations

 N.О. Fomenko, А.D. Chetverikova, К.L. Chuprinina, О.К. Morachkovsky,
Covariance and invariance of Lagrange equations of the second kind

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