PIF Department of Tourism and Hospitality

PIF Department of Tourism and Hospitality

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OID E 10090601
PIC 926831509
Full legal name  (National Language) Національний Технічний Університет «Харківський Політехнічний Інститут»
Acronym NTU KhPI
National ID (if applicable) 02071180
Department (if applicable) Institute of Education and Science in Economics, Management and International Business

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Address (Street and number) St. Pushkinska, 79/2,

Educational building No. 5,

2nd floor, room 205

Country Ukraine
Region Kharkiv region
P.O. Box
Post Code 61024
City Kharkiv
Website http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/tourism/glavnaya-stranitsa/
Email nataliia.iakymenko-tereschenko@khpi.edu.ua



Telephone 1 +38 (095) 603-85-26 (Nataliia Krasnokutska)
Telephone 2 +38 (095) 178-50-61 (Nataliia Yakymenko-Tereschenko)
Telephone 3 +38 (050) 205-24-63 (Tetiana Chaika)
Telephone 4 +38 (066) 716-70-27 (Oleksandr Nosyriev)
Type of Organisation Public University (Higher education institution)
Is the partner organisation a public body? Yes
Is the partner organisation a non-profit? Yes
Has the organization received any type of accreditation before submitting this application? Yes
Has the organization received / applied for any EU grants? Yes
Please briefly present the partner organization. Founded in 1885, the NTU KhPI is a higher education institution of IV (highest) accreditation degree of state ownership, subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. NTU KhPI has the status of a national research university.

Our vision. To be a scientific and educational centre for training competent professionals and performing scientific research based on the unity of the best traditions, fundamentality, innovation and reproduction of intellectual potential, economic modernisation and technological development of the region and the country.

Our Mission. To promote innovative solutions to the challenges we face on the current agenda. To give education a new dimension through an enquiry-led approach, equip our students with the ability to solve complex problems, develop new knowledge and take on leading roles in their future working environment.

The strength of our organization primarily lies in our highly qualified team and its extended network of international partners.

NTU KhPI is a leader in popularity among domestic and international students.

We are ranked 4th among the top universities in our country and 105th among the top universities in the QS EECA University Rankings 2022.

The internationalization strategy of NTU KhPI is aimed at promoting institutional mobility, improving the quality of education and research, developing modern global thinking and intercultural skills.

We actively participate in the planning and implementation of national and international projects aimed at collaborating on innovation and sharing good practices, providing strategic partnerships and capacity building in higher education, introducing new technologies and digital competences, and supporting equal opportunities.

A list of NTU KhPI projects is available here:


The Department of Tourism and Hospitality Business has the status of a structural unit of NTU KhPI and is part of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management and International Business.

Our priority is to support the concept of sustainable development and social responsibility in the tourism and hospitality Industry.

Our campus is located in the city center with a well-developed infrastructure and is the heart of attraction for the educational, scientific, economic, social, political and cultural resources of the region.

This creates an additional attraction for our students, faculty, staff and visitors from all over the world.

The scientific team of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business of NTU «KhPI» offers to combine efforts to improve and harmonize educational programs to facilitate educational mobility, find effective ways of intercultural dialogue and improve the quality of educational and research work.

We are also open to creative collaborations for research in the field of tourism and hospitality, which will be of mutual interest to both Greek and Ukrainian sides.

Our priority is to support the concept of sustainable destination development. We strive to promote authentic experiences and sustainable use of tourism resources in our projects.

The potential of the Kharkiv region allows promoting innovative projects in the field of hospitality, as well as tourism products, in many directions.

What are the activities and experience of the organization in the areas relevant for this application?


Improvement and harmonization of higher education in tourism and hospitality in the context of higher education globalization.

The scientific team of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Business of NTU “KhPI” aims at combining efforts with foreign partners to improve and harmonize educational programs to facilitate educational mobility, find effective ways of intercultural dialogue and improve the quality of educational and research work.

Our efforts focus on:

– using competencies as a common standard for describing courses and educational activities;

– improving curricula and industrial training offerings;

– ensuring the quality of education;

– introducing innovative and modern teaching methods;

– conducting multidisciplinary research and maintaining interdisciplinarity in university education;

– developing and promoting educational products lifelong learning;

– providing research study implementation in shaping educational policy;

– developing digital competences and promoting digital transformation in hospitality and tourism education;

– strengthening its international presence in the educational space.

Exchange of good practices in: formal and non-formal education, lifelong learning, upskilling the tourism and hospitality workforce.

Aware of our social responsibility, we strive to respond appropriately to the needs created by society. Shaping education policy that provides quality education must be based on a combination of academic and social facilities.

It’s important to bear in mind that professionals need to continually stay abreast of the latest developments in today’s fast-moving fields. It is therefore essential for them to continue learning throughout their careers.

Therefore, our professional interests are also related to the exchange of good practices in formal and non-formal education; adult (lifelong) learning; upskilling (reskilling) the tourism and hospitality workforce.

Our involvement in such activities is driven by a desire to:

– promote new and creative ways to attract, retain and strengthen relationships with students;

– promote adult learning, especially of new skills and competencies required by the labour market;

– help students become more conscious and critical of their own worldviews;

– promote international cooperation and mobility;

– contribute to reducing unemployment.

Mutually beneficial creative cooperation in tourism and hospitality research.

We support the concept of sustainable destination development, and strive to promote authentic experiences and sustainable use of tourism resources in our projects.

Research priorities:

– international best practices in co-operation and partnership within the tourism sector;

– trends, global challenges and issues in the tourism and hospitality industry;

– lifelong learning in the tourism and hospitality industry;

– innovation in the tourism and hospitality industry;

– sustainable tourism and hospitality management;

– new work and leisure concepts in the digital age;

– entrepreneurial ecosystems in tourism and hospitality.

NTU KhPI is a member of the most prestigious and projects funded by international organizations and foundations.

In the areas relevant for this applications, the most outstanding of these are:

2020-1-BG01-KA204-079272 – DIGI-WOMEN, digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs (2020-2022).

The overall objective is to develop a training program that will train experts in order to offer trainings and mentorship sessions that are tailored to the needs of the female entrepreneurs digitalizing their business and help them overcome the obstacles they face in the digitalization.

Project web-site: http://digiwomen.bamde.org/

598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP-dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens (2018-2021).

National Project Priority – Higher Education and Society.

Project web-site: dComFra.eu; https://dcomfra.vdu.lt/uk/about-2/

Project results platform: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

561592-EPP-1-2015-1-FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP-MASTIS – Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Information Systems.

Multi-Country Cross Regional Joint Project. Priority – Curriculum Development. Wider objective is to improve Master Programme in Information Systems according to the needs of the modern society; to ensure employability throughout graduates’ professional and soft skills.

Project web-site:  www. mastis.pro; https://www.facebook.com/MASTIS2015/

Projects results platform: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/561592-EPP-1-2015-1-FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

561728-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP-GameHub – University-enterprises cooperation in game industry in Ukraine (2015-2018).

Priority – Higher Education and Wider Economic Social Environment.

Project web-site: https://gamehub-cbhe.deusto.es/; www.facebook.com/groups/477292889122044

Projects results platform: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/561728-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

What are the skills and expertise of key staff/persons involved in this application? Nataliia Krasnokutska Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus is Full Professor, and Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute for Economics, Management and International Business at the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».

She holds an MSc (Hons), PhD, and DrSc in Management.

Her research interests include:

−     corporate social responsibility;

−     value-based business management;

−     entrepreneurial capacity building and development.

She has published over 200 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, and as monographs or textbooks in Economics and Management.

She is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Management and Business Education Development (2018 to present), expert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance in the field of  Management (2019 to present), and expert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance in the field of Management (2020 to present).

Professor Nataliia Krasnokutska leads research projects, ensures their effective management, and encourages staff to develop their careers and reach their full potential. She mentored 12 postgraduate students in Economics and management (including foreigners), 10 of whom have gained doctoral degrees.

She has been involved as an analyst in USAID RADA’s project «Model District» (sub-project “Development of vision and brand of Ukraine in the world”, 2017); as an expert in Ukrainian-Slovak project «CEEA» (Cities in the Enlarged European Area: Joint Development of Capacities of Public Institutions by Slovak-Ukrainian Crossborder Cooperation and Improving Integrity in Public Affairs, 2021).

She is also the co-organizer of the joint Ukraine-Slovenia survey about the linkage between individual’s personal values and sustainability (2018-2019), and took part in 4 academic mobilities under the Erasmus+ K1 programme (University of Maribor (Slovenia), Sapienza University (Italy), 2018-2019).

More information can be found at:

Nataliia Krasnokutska

Nataliia Yakimenko-Tereschenko Google Scholar, ORCID, Web of Science, Scopus is Full Professor, and Chair of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Business at the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»’s Educational and Scientific Institute for Economics, Management and International Business.

She holds an MSc (Hons), PhD, and DrSc in Economics; MSc in Hospitality; BSc in English Philology.

Her research interests include:

−     sustainable tourism development,

−     competitiveness of the hotel and restaurant business;

−     post-war development of tourism and hospitality industry.

She has published over 190 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, and as monographs or textbooks in Economics, Hotel and Restaurant Business, and Tourism.

She is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Management and Business Education Development (2019 to present), member of the Ukrainian Association of Hospitality Industry (2022 to present), expert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance in the field of Economics (2019 to present).

Professor Nataliia Yakimenko-Tereschenko is a member in the Editorial Board of 3 international scientific journals.

Professor Nataliia Yakimenko-Tereschenko leads research projects on optimising economic processes in the hospitality industry, ensures their effective management, and encourages staff to develop their careers and reach their full potential. She mentored 4 postgraduate students in Economics and Management, and each of them have gained doctoral degrees.

She took part in: Erasmus+ 101080031 – StepUP in the direction of the Jean Monet module “Sustainability Thinking and Entrepreneurship”; Create Creative Enterpreneurs  project №  NGOIG-CSPBC-TTSCCELS-30-11-12-127 – the Teaching Excellence International Training Program «Create Creative Enterpreneurs Leader School for lecturers of Ukrainian HEIs»; Jean Monnet Chair SCAES-620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR – intensive course «European Social Model».

More information can be found at:

Nataliia Yakimenko-Tereschenko

Oleksandr Nosyriev Google Scholar, ORCID, Web of Science, Scopus is Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Business, at the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»’s Educational and Scientific Institute for Economics, Management and International Business.

He holds an MSc (Hons), and PhD in Geography; MSc in International Economic Relations; MSc in Consolidated Information Analytics.

His research interests include:

−     geography of recreation and tourism;

−     social and economic processes in tourism and hospitality business;

−     post-war rehabilitation, reconstruction, and development of the regions.

He has published over 110 papers in peer-reviewed journals, scientific conferences, and as book chapters in Geography, Economics, Tourism, Travel, and Hospitality.

He is an expert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance in the field of Geography and International Economic Relations (2019 to present); member of the expert group for assessing the effectiveness of higher education institutions in terms of their scientific (science and technology) activities in the Social Sciences; and member  of the expert group on Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Literacy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Participated in the following international projects: Erasmus+ “New management mechanisms based on partnership and standardization of training of vocational education teachers in Ukraine” (PAGOSTE, 609536-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) (certificate); Erasmus+ 101080031 – StepUP in the direction of the Jean Monet module “Sustainability Thinking and Entrepreneurship (certificate); in the intensive course “Anti-corruption policy of the EU: key elements, orientation towards sustainable development, lessons for Ukraine” under the direction of Jean Monet of the Erasmus+ program 101047968 – EU AntiCor (ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH) (certificate); in the project 619998-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “European standards for the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services (certificate); in the project “Changes of Pedagogical Faculties and Universities in the 21st Century“, implemented by the Masaryk University with the support of the Czech Development Agency (certificate).

Participated in the summer school as part of the international project “Ukrainian geopolitical fault-line cities: urban identities, geopolitics and urban policy“, 2019, Ukraine – Norway (certificate) and in the international internship program “Modern methods and trends of tourists complexes management: european expereans“, 2022, Bulgaria – Ukraine (certificate). Member of the expert group for evaluating the effectiveness of higher education institutions in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities in the field of “Social Sciences”, member of the expert group on economics, entrepreneurship and financial literacy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

He received a grant from the President of Ukraine to support scientific research of young scientists (2017), a scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2018-2020).

During 2017-2022, he participated in scientific research topics of NTU «KhPI»: «Strategic priorities of the industrial policy of Ukraine in the aspect of stabilizing the industrial potential of Donbas» (2017); «Management of financial results of industrial enterprises», (2018-2021).

More information can be found at:

Oleksandr Nosyriev

Tetiana Chaika Google Scholar, ORCID, Web of Science, Scopus is Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Business, at the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»’s Educational and Scientific Institute for Economics, Management and International Business.

She holds an MSc (Hons), and PhD in Economics; MSc (Hons) in Hospitality; MSc (Hons) in English Philology; MSc in Pedagogy.

Her research interests include:

−     heritage tourism;

−     interdisciplinarity in tourism and hospitality;

−     innovative educational programs and teaching techniques in tourism and hospitality;

– lifelong learning in the tourism and hospitality industry.

She has published over 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals, scientific conferences, and as book chapters in Economics, Tourism, Travel, and Hospitality.

She is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Hospitality Industry (2022 to present).

Participated in research projects as a responsible person and a co-executor. Currently, she is the responsible co-executor of the research project «Mechanisms of post-war development of the hospitality and tourism industry in Ukraine».

Participated in international non-Erasmus programs:

−     «Innovative educational technologies: European experience and its applications in training in economics and management» (2020);

−     «Modern methods and trends in hotel and restaraunt businesses management: european expereans» (2022).

More information can be found at:

Tetiana Chaika

Title Mrs
Gender Female
First Name Nataliia
Family Name Krasnokutska
Department Institute of Education and Science in Economics, Management and International Business
Position Director
Email natalia.krasnokutska@khpi.edu.ua
Telephone +38 (095)-603-85-26
Address St. Kyrpychova, 2
Country Ukraine
Region Kharkiv region
Post Code 61002
City Kharkiv
Title Mrs
Gender Female
First Name Nataliia
Family Name Yakimenko-Tereschenko
Department Institute of Education and Science in Economics, Management and International Business

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Position Head of Department
Email nataliia.iakymenko-tereschenko@khpi.edu.ua
Telephone +38 (095)-178-50-61
Title Mrs
Gender Female
First Name Tetiana
Family Name Chaika
Department Institute of Education and Science in Economics, Management and International Business

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Position Associate Professor
Email tetiana.chaika@khpi.edu.ua
Telephone 1 +38 (050)-205-24-63
Title Mr
Gender Male
First Name Oleksandr
Family Name Nosyriev
Department Institute of Education and Science in Economics, Management and International Business

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Position Associate Professor
Email nosyriev.bf@khpi.edu.ua
Telephone 1 +38 (066)-716-70-27


European Union granted projects\EU programmes (2015-2022)
EU programme Year Project identification or Contract N Applicant / Beneficiary Name
Erasmus + 2020 2020-1-BG01-KA204-079272 University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
Erasmus+ 2018 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Erasmus+ 2015 561592-EPP-1-2015-1- FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Universite Lumiere Lyon 2, France
Erasmus+ 2015 561728-EPP-1-2015-1- ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Universidad De La Iglesia De Deusto, Spain