

The main priorities of the department are the study of current trends in the development of tourism and the hotel and restaurant business.
Teachers and students of the department constantly visit tourist salons and exhibitions, participate in international scientific conferences dedicated to the problems of the development of tourism and the hotel and restaurant business.

Since 2022, the department has been a co-organizer of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Marketing and Organizational Mechanisms of Post-War Development of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry of Ukraine” (Order of NTU “KhPI” No. 418OD dated October 10, 2024).

Since 2020, the department has been working on the scientific topic (State registration number 0120U101654) “Development of international tourism based on the experience economy.”

In 2020-2022, the department carried out the scientific topic “Improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of the functioning and development of hotel and restaurant business establishments” (State registration number 0120U100596)
Implementation period – 3 years: 01.2020–12.2022.
Scientific supervisor of the initiative research – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Yakymenko-Tereshchenko Natalia Vasylivna.
Research report:  review

In 2023, the department launched an initiative research project “Strategic priorities for the development of tourism business and the hospitality industry in the context of socio-economic transformations”, 2023-2026 (No. 0123U103238) and “Organizational and economic mechanism of the functioning of the hospitality and tourism sector in the context of the prospects for sustainable development of the economy of Ukraine”, 2023-2027 (№ 0123U103224).