Open Day

On April 1, 2024, the Institute of Energy, Electronics and Electromechanics of NTU “KhPI” organized an OPEN DAY in a combined format – online and offline, where the Department of Electric Transport and Locomotive Engineering took part.
Apparently, in such a difficult time, when the aggression against Ukraine continues, when the electricity situation in Kharkiv is very difficult, polytechnics are looking for and finding opportunities to communicate live with future applicants. Pupils from educational institutions of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region were invited to the bomb shelter of KhPI NTU.
The event was opened by the creative collective “Constellation”, which raised the mood of all present with the performance of two fiery songs – in Ukrainian and English.
Then the main part of the event began, which was called “Quick Meeting”, where each representative of the Competitive Proposal was given five minutes to present their competitive proposal in the best possible way and get votes in the contest for the 5 best competitive proposals.
Ten bids were submitted. The Department of Electric Transport and Locomotive Engineering presented two competitive proposals:
– Electromechanics within the framework of specialty 141 Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics;
– Locomotives and locomotive management within specialty 273 Railway transport.
The event took place with great effort, the offline participants were given a STEM excursion “Touch science”, where various devices, devices, even robots were presented by the chairs, which caused great enthusiasm.
But even the online participants did not lag behind their offline colleagues – they lively discussed the part, asked questions about admission, the educational process at various departments and in general about student life at NTU “KhPI”.
The guests’ questions were answered by the director of the EEE Institute R.S. Tomashevskyi. and L.V. Shilkova, who is responsible for the career guidance work of the EEE Institute, as well as representatives of the institute’s departments.
According to the participants, the event was successful and the atmosphere was inspiring!

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