Про кафедру Електричного транспорту та тепловозобудування

The Department of Electric Transport and Diesel Locomotive Engineering was established in 1893 as the Department of Steam Locomotive Engineering, renamed into the Department of Locomotive Engineering in 1956, and since 2000 it has a modern name – Electric Transport and Diesel Locomotive Engineering. The department has completed more than 100 graduates of specialists – locomotive builders. Now the department graduates bachelors and masters in the specialties “Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics” and “Railway transport”.

Scientific directions

1. Electromechanical energy conversion in the traction drive of electric rolling stock

2. Energy saving in traction power supply systems of railways

3. Virtual modeling of energy conversion in the “Electric motor train – traction network” system for electrified railways

4. Future high-speed electric rail transport

5. Dynamics of the rolling stock of railways and its interaction with the rail

Graduating specialties and educational programs

  • 141 – Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics; Electromechanics
  • 273 – Railway transport; Locomotives and Locomotive Industry

ISCE – 0716 Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft