Online Event for Manchenkivska School No. 1: Exploring the Future of Railway Transport

On November 27, the Department of Electrical Transport and Locomotive Engineering held an online event for students of Manchenkivska School No. 1 (Manchenky, Kharkiv region). The event aimed to introduce high school students to the department’s educational programs—“Electromechanics” and “Locomotives and Locomotive Management”—and to highlight the future prospects of railway transport in Ukraine and worldwide.

The online presentation utilized interactive resources, making the event both informative and engaging. Students were provided with detailed information on university admission rules for the 2024-2025 academic year, including preparation and registration for the National Multi-Subject Test (NMT). Additionally, a Kahoot quiz focused on railway transport was conducted to promote the department’s specialties among future applicants.

The quiz winner received a special prize from the department.

The department extends its sincere gratitude to the school administration for their cooperation, with special thanks to the 11th-grade homeroom teacher, Oleksandr Ivanovych Kaplun, for his outstanding organization of the event!

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