According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 11/25/2024 No. 1658
we bring to the attention of applicants for the specialty 273 Railway Transport of the 4th and accelerated 3rd year of study (bachelor, graduation courses) the following:
1. Schedule of the Unified State Qualification Exam in 2025 – the exam will be held on April 1, 2025 at the address: Kharkiv, Kyrpychova St., 2, NTU “KhPI”, Evening Building, auditorium No. 305 and Lviv, Mytropolyta Andriya St., 3, Lviv Polytechnic, auditorium No. 508.
2. We inform applicants for all forms of education in the specialty 273 Railway Transport (bachelor’s level) of the last year of study about the Unified State Qualification Exam in accordance with the Schedule.
3. Applicants will be identified and proper control over the conditions for conducting the Unified State Examination will be ensured in compliance with the legislation of Ukraine in terms of ensuring security measures related to the introduction of the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine.