Master Yevhen Darovykh successfully defended his diploma project
Master Yevhen Darovykh successfully defended his diploma project

Master Yevhen Darovykh successfully defended his diploma project

Last week, our master’s student Yevhen Darovykh, who is studying on a double degree programme between the National Technical University “KhPI” and the Bratislava University of Economics and Management, successfully defended his diploma project at the Ukrainian university and received an “excellent” grade, and this week Yevhen successfully completed his semester in Bratislava.
Now Yevhen’s main task is to write and defend his diploma project in Bratislava. As always, the topic of the diploma project is related to the research topic at his home university, but an economic component has been added: “Výskum a rozvoj softvérového nástroja pre predpovedanie vplyvu šírenia epidemie Covid-19 na podnikateľské prostredie na Slovensku.”, the diploma supervisor of our master’s degree is Marian Kováč, Head of the Department of International Relations at the Bratislava University of Economics and Management. Eugene also continues his internship at Synpulse Slovakia as a Full Stack Java Developer.

We are proud of our students and wish them further success!