International week Erasmus+
International week Erasmus+

International week Erasmus+

International week Erasmus+

During the Erasmus+ International Week (November 25–29, 2024) at the Bratislava University of Economics and Management (Slovakia), our institute was represented by: – Tetiana ALEKSANDROVA, Head of the Department of Systems Analysis and Information-Analytical Technologies, Director of the Institute of Computer Sciences and Technologies; – Tetiana ALEKSANDROVA, Head of the Department of Systems Analysis and Information-Analytical Technologies, Deputy Director of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies; – Olena NIKULINA, Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies; – Maryna HRYNCHENKO, Head of the Department of Project Management in Information Technologies; – Oksana IVASHCHENKO, Coordinator of Academic Mobility and Dual Degree Programs between NTU “KhPI” and the Bratislava University of Economics and Management (Slovakia). The second day was dedicated to discussing the integration of digital tools in universities. Our Erasmus+ student, Ivan Lysenko, a student of group KN-221a, joined our teaching staff to share his experience of studying at the Innovation Campus within the framework of the aforementioned discussion. Now, Ivan shares his impressions of participating in the International Week:
“The discussions were profound and highlighted the transformative power of technology across various fields.
The first speaker, Dr. Pedro Pineiro from Portugal, set the tone with his intriguing lecture on using artificial intelligence to digitize and optimize the process of writing scientific papers. His insights into how AI can assist researchers while maintaining academic integrity were captivating and eye-opening.

Next, we heard from Professor Petro Skrypchuk from Rivne, Ukraine, who, along with his colleague from Slovakia, presented their joint research on ‘smart’ cities. Their comprehensive and thorough review of how ‘smart’ cities and towns in Ukraine and Slovakia truly are was fascinating.
Finally, our university representative, Professor Olena Nikulina, presented the “Innovation Campus” program to the audience – an initiative that closely reflects real-world work processes using industry-standard technologies.
This event was a great reminder of how digitalization is shaping our world and how we, as students, can be part of this transformation.”