Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1994.
Number of scientific and educational publications is 110, among them: 3 monographs, 1 study guide, 6 works in Scopus and Web of Science.
Scientometric data: SCOPUS ID: 36021571200 / Researcher / ORCID / Google Scholar
Supervisor of 2 PhD theses.
Research areas: information technology, Enterprise Performance Management Systems, strategic management decision-making, economic and mathematical modeling
Scientific supervisor of the topic: 0117U004806 “Development of information and analytical support for the management of efficiency and quality in complex systems with European integration of Ukraine”, 2016 – 2018.
Taught courses: “Introduction to business analytics”, “Standards and methodologies for IT project management”, “Economics and business”, “Quality management of IT projects”, “Risk management of IT projects”, “Fundamentals of computer science and artificial intelligence”, “Modern Management Theory”, “Fundamentals of Organizational Development Management.”