Scientific directions

The main areas of scientific activity of the department:

Methodical: teaching languages ​​in technical institutions of higher education;
Historical: history of the introduction of the Ukrainian language into education;
Terminological: research of industry terminological systems;
Literary: research of the work of Ukrainian and foreign writers;
Lexicographic: study and creation of dictionaries of various types.

The teachers of the department carry out scientific research work in the following areas:

Cherniavska S.M. – Science of Terminology, Ukrainian as a foreign language;
Homon A.M. – Literary studies, Ukrainian as a foreign language;
Diachenko O.V. – Literary studies, linguistics;
Zaveriushchenko M.P. – Science of  Terminology;
Krymets O.M. – Science of  Terminology, Ukrainian scientific and technical terminology;
Lukhina M.Yu. – Ukrainian as a foreign language;
Nemertsova O.E. – Ukrainian as a foreign language;
Pysarska N.V. – Science of  Terminology, Ukrainian as a foreign language;
Sabadyr G.I. – Ukrainian as a foreign language;
Severyn N.V. – Ukrainian as a foreign language, cultural studies, philosophy, Ukrainian studies, pedagogy of high school;
Snihurova I.I. – Cognitive linguistics, communicative linguistics, pedagogy and psychology of higher education, language teaching methods;
Subota L.A. – Ukrainian as a foreign language;
Shokurov O.V. – Analytical and synthetic compression of scientific and technical information, the influence of historical conditions on the development of Slavic languages.