
 Department for Electrical Apparatus admits University entrants for the first year in the area “Electromechanics”, in the frame of which students learn by one of two specialities: 212Стенд“Electrical Apparatus” and “Electrical Domestic Engineering”. Currently, the Department trains students on three levels: BACHELOR, SPECIALIST and MASTER.

Duration of training from the education beginning:

  •    Bachelor – 4 years
  •    Specialist – 5.5 years
  •    Master – 6 years


In 2013 admission of University entrants on budget and contract bases is planned. Planned number of budget places by speciality “Electrical Apparatus” is 12, by speciality “Electrical Domestic Engineering” – 12. Admission on the contact base is carried out without hors concours.

    212By the speciality “Electrical Domestic Engineering” it is planned to admit graduating students of technical secondary schools for the second year for training by accelerated curriculum (instead of four years necessary to obtain the Bachelor Diploma at the admission for the first year, the accelerated curriculum is intended for three-years training). Here, admission is carried out for the area “Electromechanics” by speciality “Electrical Domestic Engineering”. After the Bachelor Diploma defence it is possible in accordance with student’s desire to change the speciality (the Bachelor qualification is given in the area “Electromechanics”, and further training by the curricula of Specialist or Master is carried out by one of two specialities).

     Four-year students after Bachelor diploma work defence have a possibility to continue their training by the curricula of Specialist or Master.

Admission will be carried out on the competition base taking into account average mark of the Diploma. Students which are participants of competitions of student research works, olympiads, having publications and presented their presentations at Conferences, will have preferences listed in competitions rules, regulations of the admission to the NationalTechnicalUniversity “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” and rules of admission to the magistrates of the Department for Electrical Apparatus. Graduating students of the 6th year have a possibility to enter the post-graduate course (PhD school) to obtain the Candidate of Technical Science (PhD or Dr.-Eng.) Diploma.


     Department for Electrical Apparatus has:

  • laboratory for electrical apparatus;
  • laboratory for electrical domestic engineering;
  • modern computer centre;
  • local net with free unlimited Internet access.

   Graduating students of the Department can work at enterprises, design bureaus and research institutions of electrical engineering, power engineering, communal electrical transportation.



A list of enterprises which admit successfully students and graduating students of the Department:

  1.  JSV Electrical Engineering Company “Amper-Kharkiv”;
  2.  JSV «Electrical Machine»;
  3.  JSV International Consortium «Energy Economy»;
  4.  ResearchCenter “Magnetism of Technical Objects” NASU;
  5.  State Special Design and Technological Bureau for Electrical Apparatus of the “Electrical Apparatus” Association;

  6.  Branch Establishment “SV Altera”;
  7.  JSV “Kharkiv Tractor Plant”;
  8.  ResearchCenter “Kharkivrelecomplect”;
  9.  State Enterprise “Electrovazhmash”;
  10.  Kharkiv Electrical Control Unit Plant;
  11.  Kharkiv Plant for Handling Machinery;
  12.  Kharkiv Plant for Multihead Machines;
  13.  Electrical Engineering Corporation “ELCOR”