Category Archives: Без рубрики

Turkish National Day – Republic Day

On October 29, 2019, the Department of Natural Sciences solemnly congratulated Turkish students on their national holiday – Republic Day.

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Сертифікати учасників конференції


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Американская астронавтка украинского происхождения в ХПИ

9 октября 2019 г. НТУ «ХПИ» посетила американская астронавтка с украинскими корнями Хайдемари Стефанишин-Пайпер. Визит был приурочен ко Всемирной неделе космоса. Основная миссия космонавтки – привлечение молодежи к изучению естественных наук: технологий, инженерии, математики, других. На встрече присутствовали не только … Continue reading

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The meeting of students with teachers of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies department

The 1st of October 2019, The teachers of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies  department Orlovskiy Dmitriy Leonidovich and Kopp Andrey Mihaylovich have visited  the pre-university tutorial  division, department of international education ( и https: // piitu-asu. the Faculty … Continue reading

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The scientific and methodological seminar

The 27th of September there was a scientific and methodological seminar   “Photoelectric converter on the semiconductors A2B6 based” at the natural science department. This topic is a part of dissertation work of the teacher Dobrozhan A.I. The seminar attendees were … Continue reading

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Meeting with students

Director of the Educational Scientific Engineering Physics Institute Larin A.A. visited the faculty of international education and told foreign students about the prospects for further studies at NTU “KhPI”.      

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Presentation of the book “Light and Freedom”

09/17/2019 FMO teachers attended an event dedicated to the presentation of the book “Light and Freedom. Reflections on the pursuit of happiness”, which is based on the work of the third President of America Thomas Jefferson and listened to a … Continue reading

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Certificate of participant

Teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences of FMO Lapuzina E.N., Lisachuk L.N., Semyannikova N.L., Ralitnaya I.A. and Gavrylyuk Yu.R. published the article “Popularization of Science among International Students in Ukraine” in the electronic collection of the conference  «HSCI`2019» (Hands-on … Continue reading

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Chemistry exam

Foreign students of the pre-university stage of study pass an exam in chemistry.

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Teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences took part in the XVI annual international conference on practical science “HSCI`2019” (Hands-on Science), which brought together teachers, methodologists, popularizers of science, students from about 15 countries (USA, Portugal, Great Britain , Spain, … Continue reading

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