Online classes in favorite NTU “KhPI”

Students from Turkey learn Maths in English.

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Teaching online

Teachers and students of the Department of Natural Sciences continue online teaching using Google Classroom.


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On-line Biology Lessons

Carrying out on-line training makes foreign students special interest. In the photo: students from Congo Patricia Ngobeya Claudine Ndzulu Luis Raivik and Enis Bayonne perform tasks diligently, listen to the teacher to answer questions, participate in the dialogue.

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nternational Conference “Man, culture, technology in the new millennium”

The student of 14 Patricia Ngobeya (Congo) took part in the XXI International Conference “Man, culture, technology in the new millennium”. She talked about how the use of modern didactic materials helps foreign students in their studies.

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A meeting of the Department

On May 21, 2020, a meeting of the Department of Natural Sciences was held remotely in Google Meet format; a seminar on conducting online lessons using the Google Classroom resource was also held.

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Quarantine extended. Learning remotely

Quarantine extended until May 22, 2020

Dear students!

During quarantine, the Faculty of International Education conducts distance learning for pre-university students.

You were sent assignments in all subjects studied. You must learn the lecture material and complete the assignments, photograph the completed assignments and send them to your teacher e-mail or to the department e-mail address:

Tasks can also be obtained on our website on the page «Tasks for distance learning for the period of quarantine» .

After quarantine is completed, you will be given a test to assess knowledge on the topic.

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The studies are going on…

The studies are going on…

During quarantine, the educational process at the Department of Natural Sciences is carried out remotely: students do the tasks that teachers send to them; distance courses developed at the department are widely used; Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype and other resources are employed.

We wish students and teachers health and success!

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Quarantine extended until April 24, 2020

Dear students!

During quarantine, the Faculty of International Education conducts distance learning for pre-university students.

You were sent assignments in all subjects studied. You must learn the lecture material and complete the assignments, photograph the completed assignments and send them to your teacher e-mail or to the department e-mail address:

Tasks can also be obtained on our website on the page «Tasks for distance learning for the period of quarantine» .

After quarantine is completed, you will be given a test to assess knowledge on the topic.

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We study biology

Mastering the basics of anatomy is the key to successful future studies at a medical university.
Students of group 21 from Lebanon and Egypt carry out a modular biology test.

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Round table on the theme “The great scientists of the world”

On February 26, 2020, the Department of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of International Education of the National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute” held a round table on the theme “Great scientists of the world.”

The round table was attended by foreign students from the preparatory phase of study: Saad Mohamad (Lebanon), Uimaz Sinan (Turkey), Kassambara Anti-Amba (Mali), Bayonne Essee Enis Mari (Congo), Villa Ganga Luis Rajik vik (Congo), Omer Bonchuk (Turkey), Lara Shahin (Lebanon), Furkan Mustafa Solmaz (Turkey), Elashri Ahmed Mohamad (Egypt), Saiha Khilis (Turkey). All reports will be published in the scientific collection of the conference “Ukraine and the World 2020”.

The students and teachers present at the round table listened with great attention and interest to reports on the great scientists of the world: Ibn Sina, Niels Bohr, the Beketov family, Martin Luther King and other Nobel laureates. For the first time, all reports were made in English, which foreign students study at the pre-university stage of preparation. Each speaker spoke about the famous scientists of their country, their achievements in various fields of science, and how their activities changed the world. The reports were accompanied by colorful presentations made by students in computer science classes. Many foreign students expressed a desire to engage in scientific activities at NTU “KhPI” and become highly qualified specialists in their fields.

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