
Associate Professor Tereshchenko L.Ya. conducts career guidance work with graduates of          Lyceum No. 13 in Poltava

The teachers of our department are Cherniavska S.M., Shokurov O.V., Snihurova I.I. in 2024, they improved their qualifications at the Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after            H.S. Skovoroda


Radiodictator-2023 was held in the bomb shelter of NTU “KhPI”

Online dictation “My Ukraine” 17.11.2022


Student’s Day 15.11.2019

Senior lecturer Iryna Snihurova


All-Ukrainian dictation of the Ukrainian language 2019


Day of Ukrainian Writing 09.11.2018


Working with international students



Mother’s Day 2018


Mother Language Day 23.02.2018


Flash mob on the Day of Peace 2017