Head of the Management Department visited Wrocław as part of the INTERACT project by EU GREEN

The second round of the Staff Week of the INTERACT project from EU GREEN – a transnational alliance of nine European universities aimed at the sustainable development of society, science, and education – took place.

The project was joined by 10 Ukrainian higher education institutions, whose representatives learned during the week about the possibilities of NAWA, Horizon Europe, and, of course, EU GREEN in joint research, mobility, scientific and educational projects, and other activities. Our university was presented by Olena Prokhorenko the head of the Department of Management and Antonina Sakun,  associate professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Ecology. The event took place at the Wroclaw University of Applied Sciences – a member of the EU GREEN consortium, Wroclaw, Poland.

We are sincerely grateful to EU GREEN and UPWr for the support of Ukraine and for new opportunities for development and cooperation.




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