Scientific achievement

Presentation department of law

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Publications of the Department of Law: Publications of the Department of Law

Scientific activity aimed at conducting research, participating teachers of the department, in scientific conferences and seminars, training of highly qualified scientists, bringing to the research activities of university students.

Integrated research project of the department, “Legal development of civil society in Ukraine.”

Develop the following problems:

–         Implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

–         Constitutional law reform power in Ukraine;

–          Legal support for intellectual property rights;

–          Legal regulation of foreign economic activity in Ukraine;

–          Legal regulation of housing relations in Ukraine;

–          Legal support management activities in the Ukraine;

–          The management of labor relations, etc.

The department develops two initiative scientific topics:

1) Research of mechanisms of social and legal protection of student’s youth in Ukraine.

Supervisor – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Alexandra Valentinovna

Responsible executors: Perevalova Lyudmila Viktorivna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor; Kuzmenko Oleksandr Vasyliovych, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; Garyaeva Anna Mykhailivna, Associate Professor.

Deadline – 02.2019 – 02.2022

Category of work – fundamental.
{{1} } Scientific section and priority scientific direction – Law; Fundamental research on topical issues of social sciences and humanities.

2) Legal protection of information in the conditions of formation of information society.

Supervisor – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Lysenko Iryna Vyacheslavivna

Responsible executors: Tkachov Maksym Mykhailovych, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Vergun Volodymyr Hryhorovych, senior lecturer; Semko Mykhailo Oleksandrovych, senior lecturer

Deadline – 02.2019 – 02.2021

Job category – applied.
{{1 }} Scientific section and priority scientific direction – Law; Technologies and means of information protection.

Work on the topic “Legal protection of information in the conditions of information society formation” is completed, all reports (annotated, abstract, etc.) are submitted.

Lecturer of the department carry out research work in the following areas:

Vergun Vladimir Grigorievich –  legal regulation of employment of civil servants

Gaevaya Alexandra Valentinovna – Theoretical and methodological foundations of public social policy for the elderly in Ukraine

Garyaeva Anna Mikhailivna – Development of legal culture student youth

Kuz’menko Alexander Vasilievich – Legal education of young people

Lysenko Iryna Vyacheslavovna – Restrictions on the right of private ownership of housing

Perevalova Ludmila Viktorovna – Problems of relations between the individual and the state

Semko Mikhail  Aleksandrovich – Logical and methodological grounds for solving the problem of evidence in modern criminal law

Tkachev Maxim Mikhailovich – legal support of innovative activity

During its existence the department lecturers received 8 candidate dissertations:

Avramova Olga Evgenievna received her PhD in 2008. The theme of scientific research “Deprivation of the subjective right to housing.”

Nesterenko Pauline Vitalyevna her PhD in 2008. The theme of scientific research “Higher education institutions as agents of the property involved”.

Lysenko Iryna Vyacheslavovna received her PhD in 2008. The theme of scientific research “Restrictions on the right of private ownership of housing.”

Vasilyeva Natalya Georgievna her PhD in 2009. The theme of scientific research “The right to personal integrity in the law of the European Union.”

Yakovets Irina Stanislavovna received her PhD in 2006. The theme of scientific research “Initial classification of convicts and their distribution in the CIP.”

Gaevaya Oleksandra Valentynivna defended her PhD thesis in 2014. Research topic “State regulation of wages”

Maxim Mikhailovich Tkachov defended his dissertation in 2016. Research topic “Assessment of losses of right holders from counterfeit activities in the auto parts market”

Molchanova Yuliya Yuriyivna defended her Candidate’s dissertation in 2020, majoring in “Constitutional Law; municipal law “.

In 2021, the teachers of the Department of Law received 5 Certificates of registration of copyright for a work:

  1. Кузьменко О.В. Основи вчення про кримінальне правоворушення : навч.посіб. / –  Х.: «Юрайт», 2021. 248 с.

2. Перевалова Л.В. Правове регулювання внутрішнього ринку Європейського Союзу : навч.-метод.посіб. / – Х. ФОП Панов А.М., 2020, 68 с.


3. Вергун В.Г. Правове регулювання підприємницької діяльності в Україні : текст лекцій / – Х. ФОП Панов А.М., 2021, 128 с.

4. Правознавство : навч. – метод.посіб. / Л.В. Перевалова, І.В. Лисенко, Г.М. Гаряєва, О.В. Кузьменко, О.В. Гаєвая, В.Г. Вергун. – Х. ФОП Панов А.М., 2019, 98 с.

5. Перевалова Л.В. Правові засоби управлінської діяльності : навч.метод. посіб. / – Х. ФОП Панов А.М., 2020, 138 с.

In 2020, six Certificates of registration of copyright to the work were received:

1) Адміністративне право України: навч.-метод. посіб. / 2015. НТУ «ХПІ» – 212 с. № 96042

2) Договірне право: навч.-метод.посіб./–Х.; НТУ «ХПІ», 2015. – 128 с. № 96041

3) Розпорядження правами інтелектуальної власності та їх захист: навч.-метод. посіб./-Х.: НТУ «ХПІ»,2015. – 152 с. № 96040

4) Міжнародне приватне право: навч.-метод. посіб./ Г.М. Гаряєва, М.М. Ткачов. – Харків: ФОП Панов А.М., 2018. – 128 с. № 96039

5) Правове регулювання трудових відносин : посіб. / Л.В. Перевалова, О.В. Гаєвая, Г.М. Гаряєва, І.В. Лисенко, О.Л. Муренко. – Харків : НТУ «ХПІ», 2018. – 136 с. № 91037

6) Інформаційне право в медіа сфері : навч. посіб. / Л.В. Перевалова, О.В. Гаєвая, Г.М. Гаряєва, І.В. Лисенко, О.Л. Муренко. – Харків: ФОП Панов А.М., 2018. – 192 с. №96038


The department regularly takes part in the organization of the International scientific-practical conference “Pereyaslavskaya Parliament, its historical significance and prospects of development of the East Slavic civilization”, in which the working session “Political and legal issues and the development of Ukrainian-Russian relations.” The conference was attended by teachers Department Perevalova L.V., Kuz’menko O.V., Vergun V.G., Garyaev G.M., Murenko O.L., Semko M.O., and others.

In May of each year, held at the University of International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information technology: science, engineering, technology, education, health,” teachers of the department, both independently and together with his students take an active part in the section “Actual problems of formation information Society in Ukraine. “In the framework of the Days of Science Department is constantly roundtable “Actual problems of reforming the Ukrainian legislation,” which involved not only the teachers of the department, but also the well-known experts in the field of law. On the scientific and theoretical seminars teachers report back on the results of their research.