On 26 December 2024, the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Cultural Studies and History of Science held a meeting with stakeholders to discuss the draft educational and scientific programme in the speciality 032 ‘History and Archeology’.

Speakers were:

PhD graduate in History Y. Likholietov, Deputy Director for Scientific and Educational Work of the Ukrainian State Institute of Cultural Heritage (Kyiv), Head of the Kharkiv City Centre for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the NGO ‘UTOPIC’

research associate prof. Research Associate at the Rylsky Institute of Art History, Folklore and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.M. Skliar

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information Activity and Public Relations, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Professor H. V. Salata.


On November 14-15, 2024, a hybrid interdisciplinary workshop on the topic "Ukrainian Un/certainties: Mobilities, Memories and Representations in Times of War" was held at the Transregional Studies Forum in Berlin. With the support of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the Berlin Senate this workshop was organized and conducted by the group of Ukrainian researchers “Prisma Ukraїna”, which also includes an associate professor of the department Olha Haidamachuk.

Within the framework of the panel discussion on the topic “War and MemoryOlha Haidamachuk presented her paper “The “Emergency grab bag” of Memory, or Ukrainian’s Tonalities of Memories about the Russian-Ukrainian War.

The workshop program allowed for the creation of a common platform for cooperation between researchers from international institutions. In two-day discussions at the intersection of sociology, cultural studies, history, linguistics, philosophy, etc., participants had the opportunity not only to present their own research, receive constructive comments, but also to establish connections for further cooperation.

During October 24-25, 2024 at the Berlin campus of FernUniversität in Hagen, thanks to the initiative of  Felix Ackermann, Viktoria Naumenko, and the coordinated efforts of the organizing committee, an interdisciplinary workshop dedicated to "Kharkiv under Fire: Local History in Times of War" was held. Three docents of the department took part in this scientific event full of discussions and communication: Olha Haidamachuk, Svitlana Telukha, and Ihor Dvorkin.

  1. Haidamachuk presented the report "Hnat Khotkevich's Existential Response to the Ontological "Ukrainian Question" in Russia" as part of the panel discussion on the topic "A new look at the 20th century: the history of Kharkiv culture".
  2. Telukha during the panel discussion on "New evidence of the war: rethinking the oral history of the beginning of the 21st century." presented her report "Kharkiv - Wounded City. Communal Research Practice Between Emergency Situations and Cooperation Modes".
  3. Dvorkin enlivened the panel discussion on the topic "Hybrid War: Historical Narratives and Propaganda" with the presentation of his own research, dedicated to "Changes in the Image of Russia/USSR in the Public Space of Kharkiv during the Russian-Ukrainian War."

In general, the well-planned program of the trilingual workshop (German, Ukrainian, English), which included simultaneous translation for the participants, ensured a comfortable and fruitful cooperation of scientists representing German, and Ukrainian institutions.

On 16 January 2024, the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Cultural Studies and History of Science held a meeting with stakeholders to discuss changes to the educational and scientific programme in the speciality 032 ‘History and Archeology’.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the academic community Prof. Lytvynko A.S. (State Institution G.M. Dobrov Institute for Research of Scientific and Technical Potential and History of Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and Prof. Skliar V.M. (M.T. Rylsky Institute of Art History, Folklore and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Prof. Salata H.V, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Professor of the Department of Information Technologies, Prof. Kushlakova N.M., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, West Donbas Institute of PJSC Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Training and Psychology, as well as students and teachers of our department. As a result of the discussion, it was decided to make changes to the purpose, focus and individual educational components.

The student scientific group "Historian" works at the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Cultural Studies and History of Science!

If you are interested in history, in particular the history of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture, the history of science and technology, we invite you to join the work of our group.


Students have the opportunity to:

  • to take part in the first round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in History, preparing for it with professional teachers under the scientific guidance of specialists
  • to become authors of scientific research in the field of history of Ukraine, Ukrainian culture, science and technology
  • to visit scientific and popular science events organized by teachers of the department and invited scientists
  • to take part in scientific conferences in Kharkiv and other cities of Ukraine, in particular the annual student scientific conference "UKRAINE AND THE WORLD: HUMANITARIAN AND TECHNICAL ELITE AND SOCIAL PROGRESS", having received a scientific publication of abstracts.

The department organizes the following sections of the conference: "Current issues of Ukrainian history", "Spiritual culture of Ukraine: traditions and modernity", "History of science and technology".

Proceedings of previous conferences can be found at:






Student scientific group "Historian" operates in accordance with the orders of the rector of NTU "KhPI" № 394 of the OD of 10.09.2019 and № 272 OD of June 11, 2021, as well as the Standard Regulations on the student scientific group of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute ".

The work of the group is aimed at identifying and attracting talented young people to scientific activities, in-depth study of history by students, acquiring research skills and applying knowledge in practice, discussing current issues of historical science, expanding general and professional worldview and increasing the competitiveness of NTU "KhPI" .


Typical regulations about a student research group: http://science.kpi.kharkov.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Polozhennya-stud.gurtki.pdf

Co-chairs of the group:

Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Cultural Studies and History of Science, Candidate of Historical Sciences Savchenko Leonid Petrovich (email: leonid.savchenko@khpi.edu.ua)

Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Cultural Studies and History of Science, Candidate of Historical Sciences Dvorkin Igor Vladimirovich (email: Igor.Dvorkin@khpi.edu.ua)

The field methodical seminar of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Cultural Studies and History of Science as a part of the team of teachers and employees of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Technologies of NTU "KhPI" took place on October 9, 2021. In the context of research and teaching of the discipline "History and Culture of Ukraine" to travel to his native land and learn about the pages of its history, features of socio-cultural and artistic life of Sloboda Ukraine is very important. This is what the methodical seminar for Trostyanets and Okhtyrka was dedicated to.